Can you earn your own fortune with by marketing products or services online without being passionate about writing?

Its true, much of the content online over the last few years has been written content, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a professional writer or even like to write in order to be successful.

You will have noticed the trend toward audio and video content taking the internet by storm, but even if you decide that written content is crucial, then you have many choices…

1. Speach to text programs that allow you to speak and translate into words

2. Record teleseminars and coaching calls and have them transcribed giving you content

3. Outsource your requirements – does help here to have the ability to structure or outline what you want, let others do the actual writing.

4. Strategic partnership with someone who is a good writer – there are hundreds upon hundreds of hungry writers lurking around the various freelancing sites that would kill to get 10% of a website’s revenues in exchange for writing work (assuming you have a solid business plan and reasonable expectations of revenue in short-term)

As you can see, there are many ways to generate content, after all writing is not the most important skill in internet marketing or even information product marketing.

Instead, your ability to find hot markets and topics to write about and to outline your products effectively, as we teach in “Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package” is the single most important skill to building great wealth online.

Investigative skills, curiosity, an ability to clearly organize and differentiate your information into systems and solutions is the primary sklll you cannot live without.   Stop worrying about your lack of passion for writing – it certainly won’t prevent you from accomplishing great wealth in internet marketing.