How do the 100K plus information product publishers really make their money?

Is it all through eBooks, higher priced information products and courses, coaching, affiliate marketing, or some other magical formula that allows them to rake in a small fortune online?

In most cases, it is a strong combination of multiple products that works best – some planned it that way in the beginning, others were drawn into different business models.

I myself started with a combination of ebook and personal coaching, but after my first highly successful ebook package, the membership site followed as demand for 1:1 coaching was taking up too much of my time – so through the membership site InfoMarketersZone I am able to provide 1:1 support to a much wider group through combination of directed content, tools development, multimedia presentations and teaching as well as a private mentor forum.

I find a good formula is ebooks as…

– lead in product with upsell to higher end products
– for how-to information that doesn’t change rapidly or drastically
– introduction to topic

Then, you follow on with applicable infoproducts…

– membership sites or paid newsletters for dynamic, fast-changing content
– higher-end multimedia packages to help provide audio and visual improvements to teaching
– reports to communicate rapidfire techniques, strategies or updates
– group coaching where you have consistent demand for hands-on teaching
– individual coaching where your topic is either sensitive or demand is fragmented so you cannot easily deal with it in group coaching situation

There is certainly money to be made with eBooks, but you shouldn’t ignore the many opportunities to provide other ways for your customers to pay you for your information.