Those of you thinking about publishing your own books may understand the typical benefits of keeping more profit and maintaining control over your ideas and projects, but there are some other large benefits of self-publishing you may not have thought of…

Bob Baker’s latest blog posting "6 Reasons To Publish Your Own Book" gives some first-hand benefits you may not have thought of…including time to market, channel to market and even as a way to increase the chance of getting a big-time book publisher to back you.

Bob’s built his business around publishing information for independent musicians – his own niche where he has clearly built a dominating position through publishing information. 

He also includes an author interview in this post where you can hear the passion and excitement for his topic.

Do you have a topic, area of interest or experience that could help or entertain others just like yourself?

Consider packaging your interest and knowledge into your own self-published information product -ebook, book, multimedia package, course, workshop, or even continuity program such as paid newsletters or subscription websites.

It’s really easier than you think to take your knowledge and package it into something you can sell online – we cover all the details over at InfoMarketer’s Zone.

Just listen to Bob’s voice in the interview – imagine building your own business where you can be that passionate, energetic and totally into your topic – for many of us who self-publish, this is the ultimate change in lifestyle others only dream about!