traffic to blogNo matter how much we enjoy and believe in blog posting as a method of generating traffic, interest and conversation around our interests and businesses online, we can always use more Google love…am I right?

After all, Google does love content and still influences tremendously the amount of relevant traffic that reaches your site, so if you can do some simple things to improve your search engine position, attract more traffic to your blog through blogging…why wouldn’t you.

We have run dozens of high traffic blogs across several niche markets for years now, the 10 tips to getting more Google traffic to your blog comes directly from real-life blogging experience.

10 Tips For Attracting More Google Traffic To Your Blog

1. Post More Frequently

By frequently we mean at least a couple times each week, ideally aim for once daily…if you can (and are so inclined) posting even more often is fine too.  We have found that once you fall below one blog post each week you are significantly reducing Google attention and your chance of ranking on more content meaning you get less traffic.

2. Flat Organization

We have had much better results with a blog that organizes around several keyword categories than to nest those keywords deeply.  For example, having weight loss categories like fat burning exercises, diet to lose weight, treadmill routine, home exercise, etc… versus placing home exercise and treadmill routine nested under fat burning exercises.  With massive amount of content, nesting is fine and helps organize the site, but if you only have a few posts under each category, then keep them flat.

3. On-Page SEO

Treat your blog just as if it were an html webpage meaning that you want to mix keyword context into your headlines, bullets, meta tags, on-page tags, categories, etc… And make sure you have relevant content around the keywords

4. Multimedia

Add relevant images and/or multimedia – you can ad “alt” tag information that helps your page rank for given keyword or keyword context AND we have found that visitor stickiness (another measure of google is bounce rates and on-page times) improves dramatically

5. Blog Design & Organization – On Page Time

Use of bullets, headings, white space again to improve on-page times helps considerably

6. Bookmark For Backlinks and Traffic

Bookmarking your posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, (build communities around your content and your personality), Digg, Reddit, and Delicious

7. Inbound Links Via Guest Blogging or Syndication

Syndicate your content once in a while (a few times a month at least)  – you want to get your content out onto other credible sites linking back to your blog content…this gives your content (particular blog posts) substantial clout in the search engines.

8. Compelling Blog Content To Boost On-Page Stickiness

Learn to tell stories, keep a mindfulness around being interesting, compelling and even somewhat controversial or ask questions of your audience to get them thinking.  All of this helps boost retention and stickiness which will be perceived by Google as better content.

9. Drive User-Generated Content Through Participation

Draw your readers into the conversation…we have found our posts that get ongoing comments (user generated content) continue to rise in the search engines – in some cases for years after the original post.

10. Improve Blog Load Times

Google takes into account page load times, if you have a WordPress blog you can use W3Total Cache or WP SuperCache plugins to help your load times.  Also – if you use images, use lower resolution, smaller images to help improve your load times.

Pay attention to these 10 items and you can notice amazing improvements in your blog content search rankings resulting in more traffic for the same effort as you continue to blog away.

Are you happy with the traffic you are getting to your blog?  We would really like to hear your thoughts on blogging…leave us a quick comment now.