One of the common questions people ask me is “Is It Possible To Succeed At Building A Full-Time, Highly Profitable Online Business Without Paying A Coach To Get You There?”

As someone who (on a limited basis) still offers some coaching to online business entrepreneurs, you may be surprised by my experiences and thoughts around this question.

My Advice On Online Business Coaching

Of course you can make it without coaching, but your level of success depends highly on your personality and how BAD you want to succeed.

I have found that those who have committed 110% and gone ALL IN to succeed eventually do…if you look at the 90%+ of others who don’t reach their goals, chances are they did not give it everything they had.

When you refuse to fail, you go out and FIND the answers you need. For some people, that means coaching, for others it means closely watching and learning from what top marketers DO instead of what they say or tell you to do – and that is free!

The other way you learn, of course, is by trying things, hitting obstacles, finding answers, trying again, hitting the next set of obstacles, asking questions and then trying again.  You will find that when you take action you will immediately gain the attention of your market, your customers and those who lead in your marketplace.  When you take MASSIVE action, you get noticed!

Honestly, when the big names see huge effort, huge passion and proven tenacity – you will get opportunities to meet with them, and eventually, to even work with them because they know (as much as you do) that it is just a matter of time before you succeed…and they want to be associated with winners.

What You Can Do To Ensure Your Business Success

Starting today, decide what you will achieve by specific date, work out a plan for how you will get there and start right away working that plan.

Condition yourself each day as if you have already achieved your goals…think like you have, act like you have – because in your mind (and soon in the mind of your customers) you will convince everyone that you ARE THERE today.

What role can coaching play?

You can either use coaching in the early days to jump-start your progress, cut down on your ramp time and help you through the concept to launch part of your business.

For example, inside InfoMarketer’sZone you’ll find a 6-week Information Profit Training Program that provides a complete and practical, step-by-step program for developing your first business, product, site and launch…from there you get to progress very quickly whereas without such a program you may spend 6-months to 1-year learning what is condensed into a mere 6-weeks

Beyond the getting started phase, my advice on coaching is that it’s better to look at coaching in terms of ways to accelerate your knowledge and practical expertise in very specific areas (Ex I have hired expert copywriters to review my sales pages early on and to teach me how to improve them) – then hire an expert that can teach you in that specific area.

In addition to coaching you want to being to build your own “mastermind” group of equally determined people with different skills that enhance yours.

We have our own Mastermind today where our expertise is around product development and marketing while others are graphics experts, advertising experts, SEO experts or overall systems experts.  We balance each other out, share out tips and learn/benefit from each other.

Do you have a question about getting started with your online business or about how to find a coach for your business building goals?   Leave a comment and we’ll help any way we can.