Wanting to improve our financial position and become more wealthy is a nearly universal desire.  We may have different reasons for wanting to be wealthy…

  • Get out of debt
  • Freedom from being locked in a job we don’t like
  • Buy something we really, really want
  • Have more FUN in our lives
  • Help those we love around us
  • Contribute to those less fortunte
  • Simply use this as one of many indicators that we are making progress with our career or business

Can we pain all wealthy people with the same brush?  Of course NOT.

I’ve had the privilege of working with many extremely wealthy people over the years and absolutely there are some very stark differences in their backgrounds, personality, intelligence and abilities…but there are similarities too, and that’s what we put our finger on here.

1. Self-Motivated

Rich people do not rely on others to motivate them emotionally or trigger the action that gets them rolling on their journey towards becoming wealthy.  Wealthy people create their own visions of their future based on their own passions and often start their own businesses as a way to fast-track their achievement

2. Embrace & Learn From Setbacks

For wealthy people, there are no long-term effects of setbacks.  In fact, wealthy people understand that in every setback is a lesson on how to take the next step forward.  You learn from mistakes and feedback, that’s how they are able to reach levels that the average person who avoids setbacks

3. Tap Into That Inner Passion

Wealthy people understand what they are passionate about.  Some are passionate about creating & design (Steve Jobs), others love to sell, still others have a greater vision for the impact their product or service will have on the world and others enjoy the “doing” so much that they end up leading in their space.  The average person either ignores or delays aligning their life with their passion for any number of reasons including fear, doubt, external circumstances, etc…

4. Wealthy People Go All-In

If you study any person who has ended up rich you will also find that the method they used to obtain that wealth involved 110% commitment.  There is no “I’ll try that” or “I’ll start slow and grow” mentality…it is ALL IN that makes the difference

5. Self-Confidence

Wealthy people are extremely confident in their ability to do that which will make them wealthy.  That self-confidence comes from a combination of constantly visualizing their life in the future as if it is NOW.  In “Attracting Greatness” the 5-steps people use to improve their confidence and results in life mirror what wealthy people have done – almost subconsciously

6. No Excuses – Take Responsibility

Wealthy people take full responsibility for their thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Taking full responsibility is the other side of having complete control to do, be and have anything you wish.  If you are someone who blames others or external circumstances for setbacks then you are only harming yourself by giving control back to others

7. Action-Based Learning

Rich people are doers they are not watchers, dreamers or outsourcers.  They realize that to learn fast and lead in a given area of their life they need to jump in with both feet and experience it first hand.  Sure, they read, study, learn – but then they apply and see what happens.  By doing they automatically place themselves in a position of advantage with a level of experience that most others are not willing to obtain

8. Surround Themselves With Positive People

By positive I don’t mean people that ignore criticism or hide the truth (we have seen celebrities that surround themselves with people like this and it doesn’t end well).  What I mean is that they surround themselves with other self-confident people that are not afraid to live life head-on, are realistic, but do not set boundaries for what is possible.  Yes, they may face challenges, but they are confident in their ability to identify a creative way to turn a negative into a positive

9. Self Discipline

Wealthy people realize that the path toward their big Vision and Passion in life is a life-long journey – not a sprint.  Committing to this journey involves a commitment to living a reasonably healthy, emotionally happy life in which personal growth is a key aspect

10. Learn Respect And Empathy

Wealthy people understand that their ability to become rich is not a zero-sum gain…that they can help build strong infrastructure, jobs, support key programs and influence the lives of thousands upon thousands of people.  Not all wealthy people start this way, but anyone who has achieved high levels of wealth today understands they are part of world where they now have a massive responsibility to give back and influence the world to be a better place

You may not care to have massive wealth, but I’m guessing that changing your life in a direction where you are in less debt, have less financial stress and control your ability to be financially stable is something worth pursuing.

Work through these traits of the wealthy and see where you can improve your own life…leave a comment and let us know which one makes the most sense to you?