syndicate contentChanges in Search Engine function have virtually eliminated the backlink value from content aggregators such as article directories, bookmark sites, etc…

If you had websites previous to 2010, you no doubt noticed some impact on your traffic (for some, that impact was a 50% reduction or more)

So what non-paid, traffic generation can take the place?

What works for getting targeted traffic to your website once again?

Significant training on traffic generation is just a part of Information Marketer’sZone – one of the methods working well for us is content syndication.


Post Panda and Penguin updates by Google article directories no longer have any SEO value and have even declined in terms of syndication value, though we do still use them for syndication purpose, it is good to have alternatives.

Given that search engines are really looking closely at the source of backlinks and may or may not provide SEO value for the most legitimate of backlinks, working toward getting valuable eyeballs directly from content sources (blogs in today’s example) is a very powerful traffic generation method.

Most people completely ignore the fact that current authority blog owners in their niche already get millions and millions of highly targeted views each week…views that they have worked extremely hard to cultivate.

What if you could tap into those views immediately?

That’s the power of syndication.


There are two ways to going about getting your content syndicated:

1. Passive syndication where you post content to your own website and content aggregators such as article directories, blog content directories and hope to get found – or –

2. Proactive syndication where you actively go out and find the top bloggers in your niche, choose the ones that accept guest posts and go about getting your guest blog posts picked up

While passive syndication can work to a degree, the proactive method is much more effective, targeted and quick if you are willing to do a little up-front work.

Here are some tips on how we have successfully syndicated content by approaching niche blogs in our markets:

1. Target blogs carefully so they are both highly related to your site and accept guest blog posts…this will make your content syndication efforts pay off to a greater degree

2. Relationship…establish a relationship with the blogger, you want this to be a win-win and ideally a longer-term relationship with multiple blog posts over time.  Know their business, their blog’s focus and don’t be afraid to contact them via phone, skype, Twitter as well as email.

3. Know your keywords.  As with any online marketing techniques, keywords are important to attract traffic that has the right mindset to want your content (first), click on your link back to your website (second) and then either opt-in or buy what you are offering (third)

4. Make your articles useful, enjoyable taking a stand so your target blog owner is compelled to share your content with his or her readers.

5. Include graphics, pictures, charts or tables to enhance your posting, this will significantly improve both the chance of syndication and the response your article gets on the guest blog.

6. Ping, bookmark and share the guest post via your social network as soon as it is posted so it gets indexed and gets some early traffic.  Sharing with your extended network should also be something you share with your blog owner when convincing them to syndicate your content.  If they can get fresh traffic from you, that will be extra incentive.

7. Compelling signature and links.  The purpose of the article is first, to achieve syndication and get the attention and interest of the syndicated blog’s readers, but second, it must compel them to click through to your website…ideally this is through linking back to valuable content (a video, a free report, a membership site trial, etc…) where there is both value and where you can capture the contact information from the reader.  Try not to promote sales pages or affiliate links directly as many blog owners will frown on this.

Syndicating your content is smart marketing today, it should be part of your online marketing campaign.  Once you have a set contact letter and process you can outsource this on elance, fiverr or other directories where you can have others track down and establish syndicated content arrangements for you to expand your reach.