entrepreneurStart a business where you control your time, your schedule, your energy, your creativity and your financial return – that’s the ticket to wealth and happiness right?

Unfortunately 4 out of 5 entrepreneurs are unhappy, stressed or unfulfilled in their quest to build, operate or run their own business…not exactly the glamorous image of the wealthy entrepreneur that we hold in our minds is it?

There are many reasons why entrepreneurs aren’t living out their ideal business:

  • They pick the wrong markets for the wrong reasons
  • They follow someone else’s dream, not their own (franchising, mlm, business that has been passed down, etc…)
  • Struggle with marketing, always looking for the next buck
  • Faulty business model (not selling the right product in the most optimal way)
  • Don’t care enough about their customer/market
  • Aren’t playing to their interests and strengths
  • Unrealistic expectations (work a few hours a day right from the start…just not realistic)
  • Take shortcuts, sometimes this comes from desperation for a buck other times it comes from being misinformed
  • Trying to do it all themselves
  • Failing to realize the full power of leverage

Ultimately, there is one MAJOR obstacle that tends to stand in the way of success for entrepreneurs, and that is looking at their business as a vehicle to make money FIRST and placing your own interests, ambitions and passions a distant second (or further down on the list).

I love this Richard Branson quote –

Entrepreneurship is about turning what excites you in life into capital, so that you can do more of it and move forward with it.

Combine your interest in passions with a solid foundation of business/capital so that you can continue to expand and do MORE of what you love.

The first few days of the 6-Week Infoprofits Entrepreneurship Training System inside InfoMarketer’sZone is focused heavily on developing a solid business concept, model and market position based on commercially viable ideas led by your interests and passions.

In other words, you set yourself up for both massive success and happiness.

Such a simple concept, but it tends not to be what entrepreneurs base their business on…is this what drives your interest in being an entrepreneur?