What makes one entrepreneur dig deeper, have more persistence and figure out the way to make the biggest profits in his or her industry while many others either “give up” on their dream to own their own business or “make due” with the limited profit they are bringing in without ever realizing their true potential while others find a way to blast through “normal” achieving exceptional results in many areas?

We know from experience it is not background, experience, network or other pre-established factors that determine the success or how far you take your business…

What DOES determine, in large part, your ability to grow and get results in your business is mindset which is purely determined by the thoughts and thought patterns you have day-in and day-out.

The thought that you will succeed and that each failure is an opportunity to learn will see you blast through bumps in the road that WILL come as part of growing your business when others will be too overcome with the challenge and either give up or change direction when perseverance would have led to incredible breakthroughs for them.

Here are 5 thoughts you want to embrace to dramatically change your business results in the next 60-90 days

1. Why NOT Me!!

So many entrepreneurs have doubt in their minds about why THEM…why would they succeed at their business when so many others have not OR when the few that have appear to be so far ahead?  Instead, you want to change that thinking to why NOT me.  When you get close to many entrepreneurs you find out that they often don’t have anything extra-special about them except their ability to project their own success with 100% certainty.  For you to achieve great results you must cultivate that same mindset

 2. I Will Grow My Network

One of the more common “stinkin thinkin” patterns I see over at Information Marketer’s Zone standing in the way of top notch entrepreneurs is the belief that their network (or who they know) is not big enough and that they are naturally not great networking people.  The truth is that when you are in the right business serving clients that you are excited about you naturally become much better at networking for two reasons

  • Your belief, action and excitement will attract others toward you unlike anytime before in your life
  • Networking no longer becomes something you dread but becomes a normal offshoot of being active and working your business

Some of the greatest entrepreneurs in the world were introverted people who, outside of their business, would certainly not rate themselves as strong at networking but given their “stage” they shine – you will too


3. I Can Get This Business Humming Without Raising Huge Dollars

With limited funds you have just as much of an ability to grow your own successful business, especially if your focus is starting an online business, as someone with deep pockets or that goes out and raises significant money.

Especially in today’s environment of being able to research and reach markets and customers online, distribute products in digital format and easily take payment or receive partner payments – the sky is the limit even if you are working on a shoestring budget

4. I Am Sure Enough Right Now To Get Started And Pivot on The Fly

Most people fear taking the first (or next) step so they think, study, research, study some more all having the result of delaying your entry into a given market or business.

If you look at any successful business they never have it 100% right from the start, in fact many have outright failed, floundered or had only limited success the first time out but taking action, getting involved and participating in your market is enough to help you figure it out, get early leverage and results and pivot to increase your success as you grow

5. I Have What It Takes

The most destructive of all thoughts is to doubt one’s own ability to tackle their market, to experience and push through setbacks, to engage with your market, to pivot in the case of learning new information and the other entrepreneurial traits that are so important to overall business success.

Instead, you MUST believe with 100% certainty that you have what it takes to make a difference in your market, to add value and to earn significant profit rewards in that market for the value you bring.

If you lack this confidence, it doesn’t matter how hard you try or how smart you are, you will under-achieve in your business

Focus on these thoughts taking the place of the negative thoughts that are no-doubt limiting your success right now.

Take the challenge and change your thoughts for the next 60-90 days and watch how far you get early in this New Year