You have big plans.  You have a pretty good idea of where you would like to be.  You KNOW that where you are today is not it!

What comes next?

For many, the next phase is defensive…how do I protect my income, how do I avoid wasting my time, how do I start something “part-time” so it won’t impact my current situation…

Then, as we get closer to starting our own venture, your mind gets really defensive…”how do I make sure this isn’t a scam?”, “this will never work for me”, “this looks like too much work”…

Trouble is, nobody ever advanced their business or their life by going on the defense.

Building a business is a journey that requires offense 99% of the time!

I’m sure you’ve heard the notion that the best defense is offense.

There are some points in life where approaching it with a defensive mindset is ok, but they are few and far between.

Even the best financial investors who made out well during the worst economic downturns (like Templeton, Buffet, etc…) don’t approach the market defensively.

No, they see an opportunity and go on offense when everyone else is thinking defense.

The same can be said in business.

If you are about to launch a new online business or you are taking stock of an online business that hasn’t been getting the results you want lately, then do a quick check on your mental state.

Are you thinking defensively…“what if…” “I can’t do…”, “What if I just…”

Change that to offense… “Today I will…”, “This will work if I…”, “I will get…done this week”

You are either moving forward or you are moving backward…there is no middle ground.

Go on offense, you’ll like the results.