There upublish an ebooksed to be legitimate reasons to carefully consider your decision to self-publish your book or ebook…

  • Too complicated – design, layout, cover, editing, production, distribution, etc…
  • Limited Branding Potential – how would people know you had a book or ebook available
  • How Will They Find You – it used to be that if you weren’t in a retail store, you wouldn’t be found
  • Limited Publicity – not many self-publishers made it to TV or received reviews
  • Black-Eye – until recently, you could tarnish your reputation rather than build it by going the self-publishing route
  • Not A Real Book – for many, not being backed by a traditional publisher meant they hadn’t really lived their dream of writing a book

Of course, that has all changed now.

The process of designing your book or ebook has been simplified 1000X – and while you still need to outsource things like cover design, potentially editing and adhere to same basic layout principles, the process is much simpler and much more affordable than it used to be.

Self-publishing is quickly becoming the norm and the ability to  build your brand and platform based on self-published books increases each week. 

Not only that, but using sites like InfoMarketer’sZone to help get your ebook or book to market and then dominate that market with smart online marketing tactics means that you can have a huge advantage over traditionally published books…

Each week there are hundreds of new stories of everyday people hitting it big self-publishing their own books and ebooks – here’s just one example from today -about an author that put her novel on Amazon and watched it climb to the top of the best-sellers list

The market has changed to a “direct to consumer” model for many goods and services these days – ebooks and books are leading the way.  The middlemen such as Barnes And Noble, Borders and other retail outlets are dinasours today, instead making your ebooks and books available on your own website, through social networking portals like Facebook, Twitter and Pintrest and leveraging the e-reader book directories like iBooks and Kindle have made direct-to-consumer a massive success for the everday author.

The time is ripe to become a top selling writer, leverage your brand, open new career opportunities and mutliple sources of income that you may have not even dreamed possible just months ago.

Want to learn more and get started…check out The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package and turn words into profit fast.