Information is my favorite way to make money online – PERIOD!

Yes, I have Amazon sites that sell everything from cookware to robot vacuums and yes I have a few Adsense sites that do pretty well too…but by far (more than 80%) of or profit comes from information products, And…

Information products offer one of the few reliable, unlimited upside, leveraged income opportunities over any other business model.

What I mean by leveraged income is simply that you work for a few weeks and then continue to make money for years to come from that initial investment in time and effort.

Once question that often comes up though is “should you start with your own infoproduct or an affiliate product (someone else’s infoproduct that you market for commission?”

That’s a very fair question, nobody wants to spend weeks creating their infoproduct only to find out it bombs…

Certainly those who we see inside InfoMarketer’sZone have often struggled or bombed out once with their information product…but there is a way to change that.


We have been creating and marketing information products for over 12-years now, and even though we can be a little THICK, I can safely say I’ve learned my lesson about wasting time creating products that won’t sell.

So, we got smart and now use a system that looks like this:

1. Test our idea and keywords using blogs or third party sites like Hubpages or Squidoo…the idea here is to test demand and hone in on keywords.  Let’s say you have 3 ideas (affiliate products or your own infoproduct), one way to tell which one to follow is to test which of the 3 generate more traffic

2. Next, for the winner, I will begin by trying a few different affiliate products – the idea is to find the one that sells the best

3. I then go and reverse engineer why that product sells the best – sales letter, title, better positioned, reputation, etc…

4. Decide to create our own infoproduct IF we can do it better or improve the format or positioning, then we take all of this intelligence and create our own product

This method goes from lowest to most effort reducing the risk each step of the way – and from least to most profit…has worked for us very well in 4 different niche markets so far.

Inside InfoMarketer’sZone you will find a complete InfoProfit Formula designed around this exact model with all of the details, how-to, shortcuts and tools (free tools) to get the job done. 

Basically you get the benefit of years of trial and error to help you earn profit quickly and easily as you continue to test and grow your market instead of having to learn from failure.  All you need to do is watch the lessons and apply the techniques to grow your own information marketing business online.