finding a business mentor

Your Business Mentor

Nearly every day I get a call or email from someone looking to have me help as their business mentor…to help guide them toward their goal of making money online, growing their internet business or helping them improve an existing business that isn’t reaching the desired profits.

Obviously there is no possible way I can offer this help to everyone…though there is something very close with InfoMarketer’sZone which offers a low-cost, very high-touch model to help nearly any beginner or advanced online business person get more traffic, conversions and profit from their business.


But it brings up a good question, we all need mentor’s in life, so how do you get experienced online business people to mentor you through your ascent to higher profit?

It’s good to think in terms of the typical situation for a successful internet entrepreneur…

  1. They are extremely busy…they know how to focus 110% on their business and ignore everything else around them
  2. They are addicted to execution…they know how powerful taking action can be in growing your business
  3. They are extremely independent and like others who are the same
  4. They like to help people, but only people that are like-mind/ed and that they know will put their ideas into action
  5. They look for positive people…knowing how important it is to be around enthusiastic, fun and passionate people
  6. They typically charge for their advice…after all they worked damn hard to get their knowledge…and don’t have much time for people who do not see the value in their knowledge
  7. They are used to leveraging their time…if they can do something once and benefit many times, then that’s their kind of activity


So, it goes without saying that you will have a much better chance of attracting and then getting the most from a mentor when you align yourself with their characteristics

Here are a few examples of what you can do to make yourself more attractive toward getting help from those around you…

1. Be passionate – you want to have an unstoppable attitude toward your online business…if you are not 110% sure that you MUST succeed, then go back and get that before you waste someone else’s time

2. that you have done your homework, that you understand the basics and have specific questions that show you are taking action.  I know when someone comes to me with a specific question that shows they have been active putting together their online business I am much more likely to respond than to someone who comes to me and asks me general questions like “Will you mentor me…”

3. Be Specific...approach someone with a specific question instead of expecting general help…building a business is way to complicated to guess what you may need, but if you ask specifically you will usually get some help and establish a relationship

4. Prove That You Execute...nothing will get the attention of a mentor faster than if you take their advice and go put it into action immediately and come back showing them the results.  That shows you listen, that you care, that you take action and that you can be one of the top 5% performers we all seek as the ideal prospect or customer.

5. What Can You Do For Them…don’t assume that successful online entrepreneurs can’t use your help.  Can you write an article, give them a testimonial, offer to support them as a case study, work with them on a joint venture, put them in contact with someone else…etc   There is always a way you can help if you really look closely.

6. Compensation...look, mentor’s do care about your success and often that is enough to justify their time and effort, but if you can find a way to pay them back – either by paying a consulting fee, helping promote them or their product or some other service you can provide they will go that extra mile for you and you will get their best attention.

7. Setup Communications…you arrange to meet them in person, call them on your dime, connect on Skype, etc…you take the initiative to fit into their schedule and you will show them you respect their time and business

8. Be Persistent...look, often the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If you have followed steps 1-7, then be persistent and eventually you will get the help you desire.  It may take several attempts in the beginning until their is a relationship.

We all need mentors…use these 8-steps and you will find it possible to have some of the top people in the world mentor you, the impact that can have on your business is astounding.