There are many, many internet millionaires, I’ve had the great benefit of knowing many of them and like to think I have helped create more than a few with our blog, e-courses, ebooks and membership sites…but rarely do they publicly post their achievements.

There are 3 main reasons for this…

  1. Many are buried deep in continuing to improve and grow their business, they just don’t have time to be telling others about it…it is not their focus and laser focus is what has helped them get as far as they have so quickly
  2. They often make their Million in a market OTHER than internet marketing – relationships, weight loss, health, a hobby, pet training, financial planning, golf, you name it…but their main focus is not helping others to do the same – at least not initially
  3. They don’t share everything they know for very little…after all, what they have figured out is worth Millions, so why give it away? 

Yet there have been a few cases of highly successful internet marketers sharing their results and how they achieved them.

Here are two nice examples:

1.– as posted at Problogger (a guest post) shared his tips on hitting a million dollars online which include:

  • Warming up cold traffic before selling
  • Being different
  • Developing your own products (you will see a trend here, over and over again the big money earners online have their own info products even though they may have started some other way…see InfoMarketer’sZone to make that part of your own online business)
  • Taking time to build your business right
  • Remove negativity

To this list I would add…know your market and treat them well, but clearly the biggest point shared here is to create your own information products (ebooks, books, reports, etc…)

What is interesting about the offerings from this author is his use of limited monthly recurring programs – for example, he offers a course on gaining self-confidence that sells for 5 equal monthly payments of $19 (a nice way of selling a $100 high-end product without scaring people with sticker shock) while other products he sells go for $30 or less. 

2. The second example is Problogger himself Darren Rowse who made it big with his Problogger community as well as a photography blog. 

In his January income update, Darren outlines a healthy mix of Adsense, affiliate marketing, ebook sales and direct ad revenue – of particular note is his ebook income which really has been growing over the last year…a new line of income from a few months of packaging his best material from the blog. 

Pick a market, focus on building a platform with content and sell them things they want making sure to mix your own products in maximize revenue and profit – that is the formula to make a Million online.