Have you ever had the unstoppable desire to take control and start your own business online but you don’t yet have a market, product or idea in mind?

You are not alone, finding a niche market and business idea is perhaps one of the most common questions we get inside InfoMarketer’sZone.

The issue is that you want to be passionate about your business right…we can all get a job working at something we aren’t passionate about, but your business is all about making money doing something that you enjoy!

At the same time, we all know that just because we are passionate about a niche market doesn’t mean we know how to make money in that niche.

So how do we find a balance making sure we maximize our chances of succeeding.


The first step is to list those things that you enjoy.

Can’t think of any?

What do you do in your spare time?

What magazines or books do you read?

What did you love to do as a kid?

What do you admire about your closest friends…what interests do you share?

What articles do you find you gravitate to when you read the newspaper?

Here are some other ideas…

  • Vacations
  • History
  • Sports
  • Playing Poker
  • Model airplanes, cars or trains
  • Self improvement
  • Exercise or activity
  • Woodworking
  • Training your pets
  • Parenting


Within each of these areas you can discover information that will help people get closer to a desired outcome…information for which they will pay.

Next, here are some steps you would want to take to uncover your niche market from your initial inventory:

  • Something where you know the end consumer (perhaps you are one too)
  • You know the motivation behind what they want and why
  • You understand there are a reasonably large group that share this interest
  • You can identify a pressing desire to reach an outcome that they have not yet been able to reach
  • You can visualize helping them reach their outcome (even though you may not have the entire solution yet)
  • You can promote a Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced version of that helpful information

Work through these steps and you’ll find that you have 1-3 gems in your list.

Now you have your niche market, get excited and take action immediately…you won’t regret it.