Do you have great products, ambition and yet can’t seem to reach or connect with your audience?

The challenge may be that you aren’t connecting with your audience with stories.

Think back to conversations, visitors, relatives, friends that are COMMANDED your attention – chances are they told stories.

In fact, they may have taken what you otherwise would believe is an average experience or background and turn it into something that you really tune into just by packaging it into an interesting story.

Sales people already know the value of stories…they know that stories sell more than any other selling technique.

But what about you as an entrepreneur?

One of the main reasons we work with people inside InfoMarketer’sZone to target the ideal market with the optimal business and product mix is so that you build in passion and stories automatically making the marketing of your business more natural and highly effective.

Work Stories Into Your Entire Business

How else should you be using stories to connect with your audience?

  1. What’s the story behind why you started your business – THIS fabulous business?
  2. How about the story behind the need or demand you saw in the marketplace?
  3. What is the story about your unique value toward the market…it should start with ” the reason you haven’t been able to achieve X is due to “Y” – which is your unique angle, approach, knowledge or solution to helping people achieve their desired outcome
  4. Tell your story internally (to your partners, your affiliates, employees, contractors, friends, family, supporters) as well as externally to drive productivity and enthusiasm as well as arming those around you with these stories so THEY can go out and share them with the world on your behalf
  5. Now, create stories around examples supporting your angle or value add to your audience.  Don’t have any case studies of your own yet…no problem, use 3rd party examples of others who have used techniques similar to what you are sharing in your stories to achieve their desired outcome.  Then, add in your own case studies as soon as you can
  6. How can you get your audience engaged in telling THEIR stories?  Can you run webinars where you get your customers involved (perhaps in exchange for complimentary service to get things started)?  Can you use daily streaming on Periscope, Meerkat and/or Facebook to reach your audience and get them to engage?

As we move through this incredible revolution from BIG to small business where each of you must become their own media company and engage with your markets – telling stories is one of the top skills you want to learn, start learning now by engaging your audience and dig in with stories.