Another reason why you can’t always listen to the mainstream advice on any given question…especially when that advice comes mainly from people who do not operate successful online businesses themselves.

An often asked question is how you should approach building your web businesses…one at a time or launch multiple sites simultaneously?

In other words, is it better to build one site and focus on that until it’s making money and only then move on to additional sites or niche markets?

The general consensus (again from many who have never actually BUILT a successful online business) is that you must focus on one and only one site at a time.


While I am fully behind the concept of focus being required to succeed, when it comes to building web businesses there is something to be said for hitting the market on multiple fronts right at the beginning…think of it is a series of “beta” tests where you can validate or discover hidden business opportunities either within a single niche market or across a series of niches you want to operate.

Often the way I move into a niche that I really want to capture but where I do not yet have a footprint or 100% visibility is to setup multiple websites targeted specifically at sub-niches.

For example, let’s say I want to to tackle the “stress and relaxation” area of mental health…it’s an area you are passionate about, want to learn more but you are unsure exactly how to tackle it.

One method would be to launch a series of websites such as…

1. Stop Anxiety Now!

2. Master Meditation in 30-days or Less

3. Build Your Own Stress Resistance

4. Learn to Be Happy And Relaxed

Notice that each of these sites or pages is focused on stress and relaxation in a slightly different way and I will tell you that you will get significantly different results, different customers and a different type of buyer depending on each position.

How would you ever know which one holds the most profit potential if you don’t test?

In some cases I’ve done this with multiple pages on a single site with each page focused on a specific sub-niche, in other cases I have created completely different sites – result is the same, you soon get a pretty good sense of which sub-niches are pulling and which are not.

Once I’ve had a few thousand visits to the sites/pages, I make a conclusion on the top 1-2 sub-niches/positioning methods for that market.

I’ve recently done this in two brand new niches and it worked wonders…within 2-weeks I had a very clear picture of where the demand and money was – had I stuck to the one site at a time I can honestly say I would have burned through two non-profitable sites before I reached the third one (if I had have had the stamina to stick through two failures) – instead I was able to test concurrently and find the winner in much shorter time.