book writing ideaWhen it comes to thinking up unique book ideas and book topics, sometimes we just try too hard.  We may have a general audience in mind, a niche market defined and even know roughly what it is we want to write about, but it seems challenging sometimes to come up with the actual book writing idea or concept doesn’t it?

One of the most important things we do for our info product entrepreneurs at InfoMarketer’sZone is to help take their knowledge, passions, interests, goals and existing ideas and refine them into the one single best topic that will both be interesting for them and will be commercially appealing to their audience. 


After all…grabbing hold of a market that you will become “the expert” in is the single best way to gain reputation, a premium profit margin and market dominating position for your online business.  Book writers who leap to the top of their sub-niche are rewarded with exceptional sales, profits, publicity, prestige and a massive opportunity to branch out into other directions such as high-end training products, membership sites, home study courses, seminars, multi-media packages, and so on…

So how do you take your desire for writing non fiction and turn it into a book or ebook that sets you aside and lets you dominate your market niche?

Case in point, this story outlines a first-time writer who decided (in his retirement) to write about Europe – specifically Italy.  But what would his angle be?

He decided to write about the bridges in Venice. 

A great way to differentiate yourself in busy, competitive markets is to focus in on a specific sub-niche within that marketplace.

The book writer could have written a general travel guide about Venice, but then he would have been competing with hundreds of other titles – some from very well entrenched travel publishing titles. 

Instead, by writing about a specific aspect of Venice that still caters to travellers, they now have carved out a sub-niche that instantly makes them “the expert” in that subset of the market.  Travellers now face the very real possibility of “missing out” on an important travel experience if they neglect the informatin in this book. 

The idea of market segmentation into sub-niches for developing non-fiction info products is covered extensively in our Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package. 

Instead of focusing on general weight loss, you can focus on weight loss for diabetics, the role of motivation in weight loss, a specific 20-day weight loss plan, or even take a different angle altogether and focus on low-impact exercises that we can fit into our daily routine that can drop 5-10 lbs (such as walking 5 sets of stairs a day, jogging on the spot for 10-min during our favorite TV show, etc…)

You can do this with almost any niche…keeping in mind the end result – the desired outcome – that people want to achieve, think outside of the box about how to approach the solution you provide differently.


One terrific way of uncovering sub-niche treatments of topics is to look through the table of contents of top selling books targeting your audience and select a specific chapter as your main focus for a more detailed treatment. 

For example, it’s possible that “Bridges of Venice” were mentioned in other travel books as a chapter or even just as a highlight of interest – we recognize this as something we can turn into a book itself and away we go. 

To be successful with your own book writing, self-publishing project or info product, you want to target an angle on your market that is still in-line with their primary desired outcome, but where you carve out a unique approach to delivering them to that desired outcome.  That’s the secret to generating a six or seven figure info product publishing empire.Â