Are you happy with your job?

Are you happy with your life?

We all spend more time on our jobs than anything else in our lives and insanely, more than 3/4 of us are  unhappy with what we are doing.

Can you think of any worse living HELL than to be sentenced to 40 years or more of working at something you hate with people you don’t respect, producing products or services that, at best, you could give a shit about and, oh yes, you are totally controlled by someone else who is interested in only one thing…themselves!

I know, there are the bills, the kids, the mortgage, the car payments, etc…and yes you do get a decent paycheck, but can you honestly say that the 50-60 hours of work you must do to earn that paycheck doesn’t have an impact on…

  • your mood and attitude
  • your relationships
  • your own health and wellness
  • how others perceive you
  • how far you go in life
  • your energy and passion
  • your own self confidence and self perception
  • your ability to handle stress and be happy in life

Even the luckiest people I know that have jobs experience temporary happiness only…after many years of trying, they may find themselves at a point where they really do like their work, their product, their co-workers – but because all of their eggs are in someone else’s basket, that positive experience can turn negative in a big hurry.

The last economic downturn tossed many happy workers out on their ass, and guess where they were forced to start?  Back at the beginning…working their way up to where they were will take years/decades – IF they are lucky.

So, what alternatives do you have?

Since e-commerce is increasingly moving online, that is the first place to look.

Second, e-commerce is really just in its infancy, but is already going through a massive revolution – discontinuities are always great places to look for opportunities since brand new techniques and business models emerge with everyone having an equal chance of dominating coming out of the disruption.

The latest disruption is the move from Ad-based, Push marketing to socially driven, relationship oriented search and buying online.

Direct To Consumer – Your Opportunity To Break Out!

Entire industries including Advertising, Media (TV, Radio, Newspaper), Content (Writers, Musicians, Publishers, Content Owners) are completely being re-written and guess who is taking the beating?

The middleman is having a hard time justifying his existence as a controller of content and messages in a medium where there is no longer a cap on control.

Content shared on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Ustream and directly on websites has as good (arguably even better) chance of reaching the consumer and convincing them to take action than any large-scale ad campaign, content publishing platform or other “controlled” distribution.

Your opportunity is TOTALLY direct to consumer.

Where do you start?

Here is the path that is already showing istself to be incredibly powerful driving individual success across many industries:

1. It starts with PASSION – if you don’t completely and totally love what you are doing, then STOP and find something you DO totally enjoy

2. Content And Market Interaction: You love your market, you love your customers, and you love the topic – so share content with your market that will help them and you will be building the FUTURE of online e-commerce and wealth

3. Build In Interaction. Don’t be afraid to engage and interact with your marketplace.  Why?  Two HUGE reasons:

– Engagement and participation creates lots more content…if you ever wondered what a dream content generation campaign is, it would be a content piece you create in 20-minutes that goes on to generate weeks, months and years worth of additional content through comments, chat, contribution, argument, discussion, etc… We have blog posts that were written a year ago that still generate daily comments and activity – all strengthening our web position, our traffic, our brand and ultimately, our sales

– Interaction results in a closer relationship, increased trust and reduced obstacle to taking action.  In short, people who not only read and watch your content, but that get involved are 10X more likely to become buyers, subscribers and champions of you and your products

4. Convert your passion, love for your market and hard work adding value into BIG money.  Look at it this way, your marketplace already spends Millions or Billions of dollars, if you are willing to work as hard or harder than big companies harness your passion and help your customers, why SHOULDN’T you get rich?  It’s not like you are asking your customers to spend more of their hard-earned money, it is simply a matter of you letting them know that you will bust your ass to help them more than your competition and so you DESERVE their faith, interest, and dollars.

There is a huge opportunity happening right now in the marketplace where direct to consumer is the best thing that will ever happen to your customer…the question is, will you be a part of it?