infoproduct marketing

The Art of Information Marketing

I can’t say that I realized how important packaging information into courses, reports and ebooks would be to my life back in the late 1990’s.

In 1997 my job was to package knowledge and information into 1 and 2-day training programs (classroom trainings at first and then remote study courses after that) for businesses expanding their product offerings into services.

Sure, we quickly learned that there was a massive market for information – how-to type stuff that seemed near limitless, but it didn’t strike me until I had our first ebook we had written and marketed that the knowledge of how to basically answer people’s questions in a given market could earn you much more than a living…but is the fundamental basis of massive branding and wealth.

Had I realized that fact 23-years ago, I would never have taken another job…there would have been no need!

Information has always been (and will always BE) an amazing, high-value product when packaged effectively because…

  • There are more questions than ever as individuals seek to learn and know more in their private and professional lives.  We secretly, desperately want to get ahead or fix what we think are limitations or challenges we face…more than ever we live in a competitive, cut-throat, fast-paced society where to get ahead, we have to know more faster than ever before…that means finding shortcuts that help us to know more and improve faster hold even higher value
  • We are busier than ever…we now hold more jobs in a 2-year period than our parents likely held all of their lives, we have more opportunity than we have ever had, with all of this comes more challenges such as stress, health issues and personal wellness challenges and of course, we have less time to spend on relationships, family and to enjoy hobbies, yet we desperately want high quality time to do all of these…so all of this leads to questions as we seek ways to get ahead in very challenging times.
  • We have a deep-seeded belief that knowledge is power…since we have moved from the Industrial Revolution to the Knowledge Revolution, information is now the key to progress  – and what could be higher value than that?

In today’s environment where those who hold wealth KNOW that their ability to generate additional profit and stay ahead in their markets is knowledge, and more specifically, answers to burning questions they have about their private lives (how they can improve, how they can overcome challenges and how they can have better health, relationships and social standing) as well as their professional lives (getting ahead in their careers, network better, improve their finances, give them more prestige, money and control) – there is virtually a limitless demand for answers…therein lies the incredible opportunity.

Becoming skilled at the 5 key fundamentals of information marketing then becomes your ticket to realizing that opportunity:

  • Identifying & understanding market opportunities for information
  • Designing and packaging information for maximum value (and profit)
  • Fundamentals of getting the right message out to your market (advertising, social networking, copywriting, etc…)
  • Knowing how to effectively reach the most desperate and top 20% of spenders in your marketplace
  • Scaling your business through automation and effective leadership skills so that it becomes much bigger than you alone can take it

Since 2000 we have been teaching and sharing our real-world experiences around this incredible field of Information Marketing inside InfoMarketer’sZone – for those that have mastered the 5 fundamentals, the rewards have been incredible and for us, and helping others achieve the same profound life and financial achievement is our biggest thrill…one can only wonder what is next!