book writingSome of us have the desire to write a book, to have legions of fans and to become the next “expert” in his or her market.  Perhaps you could even hit the daytime talk show circuit…who knows how far your book could take you?

Then there are the experiences we have in our lives that could easily be shared to help improve the struggles or desires had by others going through the same situation…people who have raised shy kids, those who have struggled with aging parents or have gone through the struggles of changing careers.

Still others have a hobby, passion or talent to share with the world…recipes, sports coaching experience, musical or arts talents and so on.

I hope you see where I am headed with this…nearly every person reading this post has either the passion or the experience/talent to share in their own book, ebook or infoproduct that will meet a desire in the marketplace, help someone through a challenging transformation in their life AND in the process create a fulfilling, fun and profitable business for themselves.

That’s what happened to me nearly 12-years ago when I transferred some of my writing activities from writing for others into creating my own infoproducts – ebooks, ebook bundles, home study courses evolving into webinars and membership sites.

I have to admit, at the time, I thought of this more as a part-time, income supplementing, side business that could easily be done flexibly online.

What actually transpired though is a full-scale business that I could take as far as my desire took me…as many products, as much profit, as many customers and as much publicity as I wanted.

Indeed, the system outlined within InfoMarketer’sZone is system, support and tools we use today to operate a dozen different books/ebooks and information products across 4 very distinct niche markets…the same system and support you could use write now to write your book and sell it online.

So, when people say to me…”I’m going to write a book some day” I interrupt…go ahead, write your book now! The fact is that within 30-45 days you can have your own book written and have it selling online on your way to the same exciting, eye-popping results we experience on a daily basis.

Are you ready?