It is FAR more common to hear someone’s excuse for NOT taking action than to hear about someone who lives in a constant state of action and complains.

In fact, I catch myself with this all of the time…if I have the time or energy to complain, feel sorry for myself or blame someone else for something then that means I am not taking enough action.

When we teach and coach entrepreneurs through our various programs including Information Marketer’s Zone, yes there are tactics, techniques and strategies but perhaps most useful are the ACTION plans and coaching which help people to learn and stay in the habit of taking action.

Here are 3 fallacies that people use to avoid taking action – and how to overcome them…

Put It Off – Assume There Will Be A Better Time

Let’s start with this…you are either progressing or you are regressing.

There is no middle ground.

Many people feel they can rest, prepare or otherwise “stand still” until their moment or chance comes…the challenge of course is that they end up falling farther and farther away from their desired outcome by so-called “standing still”

If you stand still, you will get run over, PERIOD.

Fear Of Failing Or Stumbling

Truthfully, this fear of somehow failing or stumbling is what holds most people back from taking action and until you come to terms with that fear, nothing will be accomplished and you will not make progress in your life or on your business

That fear could be of financial ruin, making a fool of oneself, losing credibility or having a poor image or frankly, a fear that comes from a deep-seeded lack of self-confidence.

The truth is that you CAN and WILL handle what ever comes your way and that “failing” is actually one of the most powerful methods you can use to learn quickly.  Change your mindset from “setbacks=BAD” to “setbacks=GOOD” as they afford you the rare chance for immediate feedback that you can use to learn quickly and achieve higher levels of success in your business and life.

Notion That You Will “Burn Out”

Having been there, I can say definitively that “burn-out” is NOT caused by hard work toward a vision of your life and business that you believe in but rather the result of frustration, fear and anger that comes from NOT taking action and being held back in your life.

While many people believe that working too hard toward your ultimate business and life goals is the cause of “burn out” – some even believing this will kill you, the opposite is actually true…the longer you put off living in harmony with what you really want to accomplish, the worse it is on your mind and body. Today’s mental illnesses, addictions, physical illnesses and societal problems have far more to do with individuals failing to follow their dreams than the other way around.

Not sure where to go next in building your business?  You probably do know where to take the next step, but chances are you are not taking that step because you are stuck by fear, a lack of belief in the importance of taking action or some sort of notion that you haven’t the time or will “burn out” if you sacrifice and go ALL-IN around your dreams.

Erase all of that from your mind, take action and as long as it is in the direction that aligns with what you enjoy and what you have as a dream for your life…you will be in a better place tomorrow than today having committed to taking that action.