Have you ever considered how many times a day you help people by answering a question, looking something up, getting an answer for them by making a call or doing some basic research?

How does it make you feel when you are able to help someone?

Don’t you get a rush when you are able to answer someone’s question and they thank you for it?

Now think about how simple and fun it is when you learn about something you enjoy…a technology, a hobby, an activity or sport…the LEARNING part becomes so simple many people don’t even realize how much they know about areas they have a passion for.

Putting it all together, when you focus on an area you have an interest or passion for it is a GREAT feeling to both LEARN more about that area AND to share what you know to help others.

These are basic human needs…to live a life of learning, meaning and helping people helps give you that meaning.


Of course, the next question is…”have you ever bought advice, a book, ebook, course or workshop to help you gain an edge in an area of your life where you wanted more?”

Rare is the person who would say NO.

The “advice-giving”, digital e-learning business is MASSIVE…over $100 Billion in fact when you measure all of the money spent on training, e-learning, e-schooling, etc…

I was just speaking with a buddy last night at dinner who paid over $1,000 for a photography course…it happens ALL of the time.

Having created dozens of digital e-learning programs and having helped thousands of others master their own digital products through InfoMarketer’sZone, this RUSH you get happens each time you tackle a simple, quick digital e-learning project.

I’m not sure there is a better feeling than when you package knowledge, expertise or assistance that you already have (or go out and get) into a digital product (course, ebook, book, etc…), watch sales come in each day and hear directly from your customers how much it has helped them in their life.

Doesn’t that sound like a great way to not only build a business, but to live your life?

It doesn’t mean you have to solve global warming or achieve world peace, in fact the tiniest of areas can be very meaningful to a market – so much so that many of you likely have no idea that Billions of dollars are being spent on such “Tiny” advice-based products.

I’m talking about ebooks, courses or workshops on topics such as:

– Help them save money on mortgage or buying a car
– Help them boost their confidence so they can show the world more of their true personality
– Help them care for an elderly parent
– Help them reduce the stress and baggage that is making them sad, frustrated and angry
– Helping them enjoy a hobby (Ex photography, music, writing, etc…more)
– Help them live out their desire to become the best at a sport or activity they can be

Turning your interest or passion for a topic into practical advice-based e-learning products that, in-turn, helps 10’s of thousands of others is awesome…something everyone can do in 60-90 days.

The question is…Will YOU?