You may believe that email marketing is dead, those of us who actually DO and GROW businesses online know otherwise.

Email marketing has ALWAYS been critical online and today, remains just as critical.

Is it the ONLY way to reach and convert leads to customers – No.

You can definitely reach people via video (YouTube, Facebook), Live Streaming (Facebook Mentions/Facebook Live, Periscope), Social Posts (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter) and even cultivate them via your own content, either syndicated or posted to your own blog and then directly send these “warm” followers to your sales pages and yes, some of them will buy directly without ever being on your lead-generation mailing list.

Even in this scenario, the moment you buy, you are THEN on a mailing list (a customer mailing list) where you will enter an email marketing funnel so the list owner, entrepreneur can continue to build a relationship with you, engage with you and sell you additional products.

Doubt what I’m saying?

I challenge you to find any social marketing guru (Gary Vaynerchuck, Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez, etc…) and not be offered some sort of incentive, freebie or giveaway that results in them collecting your email address and becoming part of their email marketing funnel.


Email marketing still works…perhaps not as well as it did 10-years ago, but it does still work and is still the most effective way to push content, press for engagement and promote offers to your warm leads.

So how do you master email marketing?

3 Power Tips For Mastering Email Marketing

Business And Target Market:

How can you expect to setup a highly effective email marketing campaign if you do not yet have a solid understanding of exactly what business you are in (what you will sell, what desires you will target, what problems you will solve) and a detailed avatar of your target customer?

Email marketing is all about capturing the interest, attention of your target audience and then illiciting an action such as a sale, engagement or additional content as part of a sales funnel.

You can build a list without yet knowing your business or without being crystal clear on your target market, the challenge will be converting that list when the time comes to monetize it.  So, do yourself a favor, start with your business in mind (at least your initial product and offer) and know exactly what will motivate your buyer to want your product – that will set the stage for a wildly successful email marketing campaign

Coming Up With Your Hook

Your target market is busy, their attention is scattered, they have many demands on their time and they may or may not be immediately aware of the emotional desire or challenge you target with your business.  All of this means you must capture their interest and offer them something of extremely high value…something they cannot ignore and just have to subscribe to get.

We call this the incentive or “hook” to get them to sign up to your email marketing campaign.

Not only must your hook be compelling, emotionally triggering their response, but it must be aligned with your product(s) so when they join and consume your incentive, it won’t be a big stretch to get a good portion of them to want MORE or whatever is NEXT through your offer.

Traffic Generation Strategy

By now, you have likely noticed we work backward from our initial business to first define the right profile of lead, then design the lead campaign to specifically attract that profile of prospect and now – as a last step – we can go ahead and generate targeted traffic that collects as many leads that align with your profile as is possible.

This will involve a mix of organic (content for Seo, social that attracts attention) and paid traffic.  Due to the fact that you have a well-oiled email marketing campaign that attracts targeted leads, hooks them with a targeted incentive and then offers them a related product or service, your conversion numbers should be at a level that allows you much more freedom in generating traffic.

For example, if your conversion rates are 10% or higher then you can pay significantly to get highly targeted traffic from Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc…and still be very profitable while your sales go through the roof.

Email marketing for new lead conversion, email marketing for existing customer retention and improved customer return and referral sales are all still required and can be highly effective in your online business model.

Do you use email marketing?

Based on these 3 Keys, do you see how you can improve your email marketing campaign?