The vast majority of us live a life filled with frustration, fear, doubt and uncertainty with most never escaping the icy grip of not being able to escape and achieve the lifestyle, wealth and happiness we so badly want.

Living in a state of chronic uncertainty, doubt and fear makes us withdraw, live a life that is not congruent with our true abilities and personality and impacts our health, relationships, as well as our long-term potential to improve our own lives and the lives of those around us.

The reality of living this way is too painful for most people to face day-in and day-out so they cover it over with addiction, procrastination, excuses, blame and all sort of other defenses that allow them to get through the day, none of which addresses the need to move beyond living life in this way.

The small portion of the population that do manage to escape this vicious circle, manage fear, erase doubt and discover a world where they can live in tune with their real personality and talent find the holy grail of happiness, wealth and peace in their lives.

Fortunately I’ve made great strides in this respect in my own life and get to spend countless hours with people who have achieved incredible levels of success and happiness in their lives allowing us to work with others on the same path inside InfoMarketer’sZone.

What about you?

Are there some principles we can use to breakthrough and achieve that kind of independence, confidence and success in our own life?

Here are 3 critical concepts that can do just that…they can trigger change in your life that will finally allow you to share with the world the true person you are and propel your wealth and happiness to levels you may have only wished for…but thought impossible in the past.

BIG Things Are Within Your Reach

Many of you reading this piece have wished, wanted and had desire for everything from better health to wealth, happiness to peace in your lives but you must ask yourself, have you had CERTAIN belief that it will be yours?

How many of you really KNOW it will happen to you?

I don’t mean JUST desire.

I don’t even mean occasional belief that your life will be filled with wealth, creativity and success.

What I do mean is an unwavering, habitual, obsessive and daily reinforced CERTAIN knowledge that you will breakout of your current situation, have the wealth, happiness and success that you deserve.

The tiniest doubt, fear or uncertainty will most certainly hold you back…and we all face it, so it’s about how you overcome these limitations that makes all of the difference about how far you will go in life.

Do not mistake this for entitlement thinking…that will get you nowhere.

What you MUST work on daily (just like you eat, sleep and breath) is reinforcing the certain knowledge that when you work hard, when you apply 110% of your energy and when you push yourself to the limit that success and happiness will be yours.

Today, most people truly believe (through negative thoughts and self-talk) that if they were to exert themselves that they would not truly get enough return on spending that immense effort – that’s why you procrastinate, give-up, use excuses and settle for less.

Only when you have supreme confidence that your increase in effort and standards WILL ABSOLUTELY result in a better life will you blast through all of the objections and uncertainty that prevents you from taking action today.

Begin today practicing daily mindfulness, affirmations, relationships and actions that consciously substitute negative thinking with those that reinforce certainty of both intention and outcome.

You Are The Average Of The People You Spend The Most Time With

Of all the principles, this one can be the most challenging, especially if you have been brought up like most of us to be loyal to your friends, to try and help others always and to especially focus on the down-trodden.

The truth is you can do all  of that, but only if you life yourself up first, improve your self-confidence, achieve great things in your life – THEN you put yourself in the absolute best emotional, financial and spiritual position to impact those in the world.

To become the best you can be, you have to make hard choices around who you spend your time with.

This goes for personal relationships as well as people and ideas you get to know through reading, videos, training and mentor relationships.

Boosting your wealth and happiness as well as your ability to help other people means you must learn from those much further along than you are.

Looking up can be intimidating and can challenge the ego of most of us, but really what you are doing is having the confidence in yourself to know you too can immensely improve your financial wealth, your creativity through discovering new ideas and ways of thinking and learning how to be the real you instead of being held back as a group who collectively use excuses to not take chances and live to their full potential.

You must understand that you will be in a far better place to elevate those around you when you, yourself have elevated your game.

Never Be Afraid To Fail – That’s How Learning Works

Can we learn without having setbacks and failures?

Not completely as we learn far more from struggling, failing or a setback than we can ever learn from avoidance and limiting risk.

Changing your thinking to expecting challenges, setbacks and failures – using them as key milestones on your road to wealth and happiness is essential.

Learning to be bold, to not feel as though you must please everyone, to take risks and chances is the ONLY path to living to your full potential, achieving both financial and life success.

One of the quickest ways you can achieve more wealth, happiness and confidence in your life is to begin to try, experiment and test new things…you will ALWAYS see a net benefit even if there is some pain, embarrassment along the way.

Wealth, happiness and success do not just happen to people, instead they learn how to overcome the challenges that ALL of us face such as doubt, fear and uncertainty so they can live a life of fulfillment, wealth and enjoyment.

The good news is that you too can live such a life, but it’s up to you to make it happen.  Start with the 3 methods to life success above and watch your results and happiness change.