When we work with aspiring entrepreneurs inside Information Marketer’s Zone, the transition from being a “Wantrepreneur” to a true Entrepreneur is the key to realizing their dreams and desires for their business and life.

These are talented people with HUGE motivation to achieve great things in their lives, but that alone is not enough.

If it were, then many more people would be operating successful businesses, living the lifestyle they dream about instead of living a life of frustration, agony and fear.

So how do you transition from wanting to be an entrepreneur to actually BEING one and seeing the results?

Big Idea And Plan

Not one single great business out there today started with someone “wanting to make a few extra bucks” or “wanting to start any-old business”

Instead, they started based on a grand vision of how the business owner could

  • fill a major gap in the market,
  • make massive improvements to what is already being done,
  • helping people achieve greater things in their lives
  • making a LEAP in the market and not just tiny incremental change
  • creating value rather than just reselling or distributing someone else’s value

When you understand that becoming a true entrepreneur means thinking BIG, thinking value to your market and thinking creation versus just distribution then you enable the transformation from wanting to be an entrepreneur to seeding the reality of actually living the role

Hand-in-hand with choosing your big idea and plan is finding YOUR thing…what will you commit the next 5-10 years at becoming great at?  Even if you aren’t great today, but want to be – that’s ok.  When you find your ideal market, idea and match that with your enthusiasm and ability you have the perfect formula for dominating your marketplace and becoming a major entrepreneur.

The Power Of Scale And Systems

Another common mistake made by those who have experienced some success as an individual freelancer or part-time entrepreneur is that they can do it all themselves.

True entrepreneurs understand the value of systems thinking…of building an idea, a plan, a process and a team that will help grow their business 100X bigger than if they tried to do it all themselves.

I have worked with consultants, speakers, local service business owners, counselors who are BURNT out by trading their time and energy for dollars.   Unfortunately for many, they discover this well into their careers, after years of chasing dollars and they finally realize they can’t do it anymore – they HAVE to change their business model.  Had they changed years before they would already be high-income entrepreneurs…so that’s what we work with them on, to make that transition as quickly as possible.

This not only demands that you structure your business as something bigger than a solo-entrepreneurial venture, but that you are honest with yourself about your strengths and what your role in the business should be versus what you get others to do for you.

For example, are you a better at day-to-day tactics or longer-term strategy?

Are you better as a people-person (who can hire great people, motivate them, get the most out of them) or are you better to hire that function out?

What about technology – most likely you want to hire out key parts of your branding campaign (graphics, videos, book covers, etc…) to someone that LOVES and is great at doing this type of work.  It actually does you HARM by trying to keep this in-house when you can hire it out and get on with doing what you are strongest at.

Finally, to do with scale, if you are running a smallish local business, consultancy, service or web business, you want to immediately plan how you can take that business and blow it up globally…in this age of widespread e-commerce, digital branding, and social platforms you are drastically capping your potential if you limit yourself only to local or small web business properties

Hard Work, Persistence And Standing Out

Once you have your big idea and it is in line with your strengths along with structuring your business to scale, what comes next is something that pretty much every entrepreneur I have met admits they underestimated…

Of course I am speaking about the hustle, hard work and persistent determination to make your business work.

The key here is combining two concepts…

You must have the impatience to drive harder than anyone else AND you need to have the patience to continue without seeing immediate results for as long as it takes to build momentum

Two mistakes are commonly made here:

  1. Most people who call themselves entrepreneurs see the romance (big money, time freedom, control, etc…) that comes with running your own business but do NOT see that you will work far harder to make a business succeed than you would work at any job.  You must be willing to sacrifice most things in your life, at least for the first 1-2 years
  2. As if that weren’t challenging enough, you must be willing to make these sacrifices while seeing little or NO return in the beginning…it may take you months to see results, but if you stick with it long enough and you have the right plan – you WILL see results

There is no magic in building highly profitable businesses and becoming a top entrepreneur, but you do have to know what it takes, the skills it involves, the key areas where you MUST succeed and then have the tenacity and persistence to see it through.

Do you have what it takes?

If you are STILL ready to jump in and turn your dreams to build your own thriving business into reality, then head over to Information Marketer’s Zone where you will get the knowledge, skills, shortcuts and mentorship that will help you get there faster.