make money writing

make money writing

What if you could spend an hour a day writing non-fiction and within just a few weeks, have a second income stream as you build your own online or offline business? 

That may seem like a fantasy beyond reach to many, but I can assure you it is well within reach.

Lots of people dream, wish or say they will write a book, but very few people ever realize their goal and a big part of the reason why is because they can’t justify spending 20-30 hours on a project when they are unsure of how to make money writing non-fiction.

Many non-fiction titles sell because they help people overcome pain or gain pleasure in their lives. 

You have books that help people overcome shyness, make more money, find relationships (fulfilling our fundamental desire for companionship), beat health challenges, escape their current lives through travel, cooking or other hobbies…the possibilities are endless.

If you wonder how to make money writing non-fiction, then you need to master these 3 critical steps…(taken from the trainging programs inside Info Product Marketing Training Zoe):

1. Uncovering passionate, emotional desire to be, do, have or become something in their lives.  We don’t just want demand for information, we want to see evidence that the market is spending money to get information on a topic.  We outline dozens of techniques for uncovering evidence of commercial demand for writing over at Information Marketer’s Zone – but some clues are magazine articles, e-commerce sites that rate buyer’s preferences, eBay, ebook directories, seminar directories and many others…

2. Monetization strategy.  So, you have evidence of demand and willingness to pay for information from a given market, now you must decide..”how will I exchange my research and writing ability for money?”.  You may choose to freelance projects to blogs or publications, launch your own website and monetize the content through advertising, or my favorite…publish your own information products and sell them.

3. Create and market info products.  An information product is any non-fiction product that you develop (ebook, report, book, audio file, video (screen capture tutorial, live video), paid subscription membership site or other delivery mechanism for researched information.  The single biggest tip on how to make money writing non-fiction is learning to package your writing into the optimally valued product for that marketplace. 

For instance, the same information that it may take you a few hours to gather can be packaged in a $10 report, a $27 ebook or with some creativity and added bonuses, into a $97 digital bundle, $197 home study course or even $10,000 seminar. 

What do you need to turn your non-fiction writing into a profitable online business you simply need…

  • Your own website
  • A giveaway and autoresponder – these combine to help you build a list of subscribers
  • An account with a payment processor such as Paypal, Clickbank,, etc…
  • Some initial advertising dollars – often $100 is enough to get things rolling quite well
  • An initial push of content to begin to draw additional traffic to your website

The key is matching the desire for solutions and outcomes people badly desire with a well positioned product which will make more money from your time writing non-fiction.