Every great achievement does start with a great idea…but that’s where the similarity ends.

If all it took was having great ideas then you would be in a very different place than you are today wouldn’t you?

Just keeping it real…when it comes down to it,

Having a great idea only makes up about 10% of what it takes to get where you want to be in your business, life and finances.

Yet, we all get seduced into believing that if we chase the great idea, find the right product, discover the right market, hire the right people, implement the next big marketing tool – that somehow we will finally change the course of our personal history and achieve what we have been dreaming about for years.


That’s the sound of alarm clock waking you up from your dream!

Now that you are awake, let’s look at what it really takes to move from the 3 W’s (Wanting, Wishing And Wondering) to the 3 A’s (Action, Achievement and Arriving at the place you have always dreamt of being)

Turning Wishing And Wanting Into Action And Achievement In Your Business

Knowing It’s Possible

Many people believe that achieving success in business starts with a great business idea, there is one step that MUST come before – a certain belief that it will happen for you.  Too many people start in an uncertain state which means they are slow out of the gate and can never reach the end of the race in a winning position.  You must believe (have faith) that you WILL achieve your desired end state…all other steps are your realization of that certainty.

One of the most important starting point lessons inside the 6-Week Business Building Course inside InfoMarketer’sZone is around programming your mind to succeed giving yourself an incredible advantage out of the gate

Your Business Idea

Most people believe that their business idea makes up 90% of their potential for success.  Yes, you need a great business idea, but that’s the first 10% – there is so much more to turn this idea into reality.  Just as an example, every top entrepreneur I know failed multiple times with their original idea.  But they didn’t really fail, because the feedback they received from their market based on the original idea was invaluable to ending up with their winning business.  Your business idea should be viewed as an entry point,  a starting point that gives you a jump out of the gates, the rest of the race has yet to be run.

Delivering Value & Branding

Once you have your business idea, you want to dig very deeply into the value (emotional and extrinsic) that you bring to your market.

Value is a strange beast – what your audience values most may not be what you think and why they value it is missed by many entrepreneurs who then fail to reach them because their message ends up targeting the wrong emotional value statements.  Value is also closely tied to your Brand.  Your market may want a solution to X or Y challenge in their life, but they also value getting that solution in an entertaining, fun or different way – THAT’S YOUR BRAND.  The value you bring and the method you deliver it becomes your brand – and that’s critical for your success, especially in today’s marketplace.

Your Plans…

Notice I mention plan(s)

You want to start with a high-level plan working backward from what you ultimately want to achieve.

That takes thinking BIG

That takes thinking Medium To Long-Term (at least 3-5 years out and often more)

That takes being crystal clear on several aspects of your business including:

  • Your financial/profit target
  • How many people or businesses (in B2B for example)  you will have helped or touched in your marketplace
  • What your market position will be (#1, top 3…)
  • How you will be viewed by your customers
  • What type of company you will build (large, structure, type of people who will help you lead the company)
  • When you will exit and what legacy you will leave
  • What your role will be in the beginning, when you hire your first employees and when your company reaches its milestones
  • How will your business impact society for the better

The next plan you need is to work backward around the financial, target customers reached and business structure perspectives.

Ask yourself…

  • How many products do I need to sell overall, annually, monthly and weekly to reach your goal
  • What will the product mix need to be in terms of pricing and per-unit targets?
  • What will the initial structure of your company be to reach these goals?  When will you need to expand?
  • How many people do you need to reach eventually, annually, monthly and weekly to reach your sales numbers (assuming say a 1-2% conversion rate to start)
  • What are the most important daily activities around: a) Reaching your target market b) Getting them into your sales funnel c) Offering them products they will buy d) Keeping them happy so they will stay long-term customers (low churn rate)

I know this is a lot of information, but what I’m outlining for you here is an exact plan that you need to follow to be successful as an entrepreneur.

Having such a detailed plan that is based on achieving a desired outcome is SO IMPORTANT to the success of your business…when your mind is both motivated (by an exciting, BIG objective) and is clear and certain around the plan – you become unstoppable.

Take Action

Once your plan is complete, this free’s you to prioritize action…

The first and last priority each day is to take action on your plan.

Reach your target audience, create the products they need, brand yourself and your company, develop sales funnels and conversion pages, test the entire system and improve conversions, support your customers.

If the majority of your time allocated to your business is not spent on these activities (once your planning is out of the way) then you MUST quickly change course and get back on track.

Most aspiring entrepreneurs fail miserably here…they generate ideas, they create a vision for their future, they plan like crazy and they may even start taking action — but then they are derailed.

They stop!

They lose momentum.

They become distracted by the next shiny object.

True failure occurs only when you give up on your plan.  Unfortunately, that is the rule rather than the exception.

Pivot – And Win

This step is critically important.

Unsuccessful entrepreneurs believe their initial plan is the ONLY way to succeed.

When they hit a setback or failure, they give up.

Successful entrepreneurs recognize that the original idea and plan were only a starting point…the gun that fires at the start of the race and the first few steps.  

They know that early feedback is critical to give them the feedback they need to pivot, make “in-game” adjustments and then come out stronger with a revised attack plan that puts them in an even better position to win.

They rarely change their end vision or goal, but they certainly do pivot based on the invaluable feedback their action gives them.

Therein lies the secret to winning at business…taking action is CRITICAL, but not so much to win on the first try as to lead you to the setbacks that teach you how to win even bigger than you may have planned.

I really hope you read this post over again and again, print it out and post it up near where you work…it is the true secret success plan for building million dollar businesses that you will rarely find anywhere – and especially rare to find it given to you without paying heavy fees.

I debated whether I should post this at all given free information is often not viewed as valuable as when I charge someone $500/hour for consulting…I hope you don’t make that mistake in this case.

If you want to access a step-by-step program for mentoring online entrepreneurs and get direct support from our team as you work through growing your business, check out InfoMarketer’sZone – you will get the advantage of years of experience and help provided to thousands of others who have gone before you…for a fraction of what hiring a personal mentor will cost you.

Now it’s up to you…leave a comment if this helped you or if you have questions in your mind as you begin to work your plan.