Finding Ideas For eBooks…The Mystery X Factor!

I’ve been asking myself lately why there are so many questions around finding ideas for ebooks or information publishing businesses when there is already so much information on how to research markets available to people…IN OTHER WORDS, Where do YOU get...

How To Know ‘Wants’ Versus ‘Needs’ In Any Given Market?

It’s the most common mistake we make as information publishing entrepreneurs, flooding the market with things that people NEED, but have not yet realized they WANT.  Bottom line, if you don’t WANT something passionately, then you are not ready to buy...

10 Best Niche Markets For Information Marketers

There are hundreds of different niche markets you can target as an information publisher or information marketer…one walk around a major bookstore will tell you that as you pass dozen upon dozen of topics each targeting their own niche market.  But what are...

Writing For Love Or Money?

I find it strange to see so many people that have a black or white view of the world, especially when it comes to writing.  There are those that write a book or write for themselves purely for the self-indulgent feeling of having written something – not...

Want To Write Top Selling e-Books or Books?

It’s very hard to ignore the fact that any bookstore or online book retailer is made up largely of non-fiction books that communicate information to their readers.It could be a how-to book on saving money with your vacation, a step-by-step process to greater...