Product Creation vs Affiliate Marketing…

I’m daring to enter a rather religious argument here around figuring out the best model for you as an internet marketer…affiliate marketing (marketing someone else’s products) or product creation (typically info products such as ebooks, courses,...

10 Ways To Find Affiliates For Your Ebooks

Wondering about a surefire way to get word out about your book, ebook or information product? Sure, you can run yourself silly doing promotional events, book signings, webinars, article writing, press release submission and blog posting…and yes you should be...

Attracting Super Affiliates Who Will Sell Your Products

Without any doubt, one of the fastest methods of building quick traffic, profits and momentum for your online business selling your own products and services is to leverage existing top players in your market – affiliates.  As anyone who has built their own...

Your Own InfoProduct or Affiliate Product?

Information is my favorite way to make money online – PERIOD! Yes, I have Amazon sites that sell everything from cookware to robot vacuums and yes I have a few Adsense sites that do pretty well too…but by far (more than 80%) of or profit comes from...

Get JV’s And Traffic For Your Affiliate Program

When you use the systems, tools and support from InfoMarketer’sZone to help create your own signature information product (ebook, reports, videos, membership sites, training program, etc…) the next question quickly becomes – how do I quickly turn...

3 Ways To Get More Affiliates Promoting Your Product

How do you get more partners and affiliate promoting your products and services?  With over 1000 affiliates promoting our various products for us over the last few years, we have some pretty good insight into techniques that work best for finding and recruiting those...