How To Promote Your Content On Facebook

I came across an example I just had to show you today in my Facebook feed. Several people we are working with through Information Marketer’s Zone have been asking how they should be using Facebook (or Twitter/Instagram) to promote their content. Many people...

Where Do You Search Online?

Like it or not, Google has OWNED search online for the last decade (the beta version of Google Search came out in 1999 for you history buffs, two years AFTER Yahoo refused to buy Google for $1M – ouch!) But are things changing around search? I’ve noticed...

Basics Of Marketing – Applied To Social

Great panel boiling down the basics of successful marketing…especially as it relates to using social platforms and technology in marketing and business. At the end of the day…all marketing is about… Humanity…tapping into human emotion Story...

Social Is All About P to P

I never much cared for the terms B to B (Business To Business) or B to C (Business To Consumer) as labels for the type of businesses we run. Not only do many businesses cross the border making these labels useless anyway,  but even worse, these labels demonstrate a...

5 Ways To Cause Social Media Mania!

So you aren’t Justin Bieber or that other Justin guy with a Gazillion swooning followers, and maybe you are still trying to figure this entire “social networking” scene out…but you are smart enough to realize that you can’t ignore it So...

Pay Attention To Social Media Because…

I’ve been growing our profile on Facebook and Twitter over the last several months and I have to tell you, the speed at which these platform are growing is MIND-BLOWING I am now seeing regular traffic and customers coming from both platforms, and not just a...