Have you got a sales letter that just doesn’t seem to convert? 

Maybe you are right in the middle of trying to write your own sales letter and just a few minutes away from pulling the last hair out of your head?

I talked with one of our InfoMarketer’sZone members last evening and heard it again…”*@#* Man! Writing my sales letter is more painful than creating my own infoproduct!” 

Sure enough, copywriting is a specialty that doesn’t happen overnight.  In fact, the art of writing an ad, sales letter or any other marketing material that really connects with your target market, impacts them at an emotional level AND moves them from being skeptical and analytical to emotionally motivated to spend money on your product or serivce takes time and experience. 

Part of the equation is knowing how to structure your sales letter – what the framework should look like and how you accomplish the goal of catching your market’s interest as well as convincing them to take action. 

Here’s is an example…

Have you ever watched a charity telethon on television?  What are the segments that most often hit you emotionally and have caused you to take your wallet out and contribute? 

Isn’t it the stories or case studies? 

You can have someone plead with you to give, but when you see an emotional story of someone (a REAL person) being impacted by the challenge and case studies where money has helped…it is nearly impossible to hold back.

Great advertising is no different…the power of a well-planned stories is undeniable — some of the greatest sales letters ever written were merely stories that had been developed around 1) Demonstrating the main challenge and 2) Offering hope for overcoming the challenge leading to 3) An offer for a product or service

How do you tell stories that sell…take a look at this terrific Problogger article where he outlines 4 ways to persuade your readers using stories…