It’s perhaps the worst kept secret among entrepreneurs today, more and more people are figuring this out and it often can change their lives rather dramatically!

What I’m talking about is packaging information (basic How To, step-by-step information) into quick, top-selling ebooks, reports, print on demand books, audio or video products that are sold online for big profit.

You pick from tens of thousands of topics – for example “15 Non-Toxic, Highly Effective Household Cleaners That Cost Less Than $1 To Make” – research your material and package it in a well positioned, well titled ebook, book or infoproduct for sale online. 

Drawing on a combination of your own experience, research and sometimes augmented with email or telephone interviews, you can collect your content, have it packaged and setup for sale online within 30-45 days of starting — then it is a matter of watching the profits roll in. 

The complete Information Entrepreneur’s Success Blueprint is available here for turning your desire to write an ebook or infoproduct into reality quickly enough that you can see profits rolling in within 1-2 months of getting started – no matter what your writing or online experience. 

Ok, sounds good, but how do I find a topic to write about?

As mentioned, there are tens upon tens of thousands of topics that people are willing to pay for information that will help them achieve a specific outcome. 

To get your started, here are 5 examples…

5 Killer InfoProduct Topics Ready For You Now!

1.  “5 Most Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Creepy Bedbugs!”  – We are experiencing a national epidemic of bedbugs and for most people, finding out they have an infestitation places them immediately into a desparate desire for solution – package a summary of how to deal with bedbugs and you will have a winner

2.  “How To Cure Bad Breath” – Again, when you have this problem, you become desparate for a solution. 

3. “How To Raise A Polite, But Confident Child”  – Parents are wrestling daily with how to counter-balance manners and politeness with confidence and ego in their children – what is the right balance and how can both be taught to help raise a well balanced child?

4. “10 Top Ways To Deal With a Troubled Teen”  – Again, a parent that is desparately trying to communicate and resolve typically teen behavior problems will want this product for sure!

5. “How To Blow Your Employer Away In A Job Interview” – Everyone realizes the employment situation in North America stinks! That means people don’t want to just be “satisfactory” in their job interviews these days – they want to be “extraordinary” – so that opens the door for a new product emphasizing powerful new job interview techniques. 

Of course, these are only 5 – there are 50 others over at The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur Success Blueprint as well as dozens of techniques you can use to find the very hottest product ideas AND a full blueprint for having your own profit producing info product internet business in 45-days or less.  Get started now and within the next two months you could have a new, 24-hour, 7-day a week income stream from the internet.