I still get people who join us over at InfoMarketer’sZone – committed to producing their first or next information product – but can’t believe that they could write their ebook or produce their professional infoproduct in 30-days or less…sometimes just within days!

Not only will these info products be top sellers, but also provide quality, in-demand content professionally – these are not cheap, crappy ebooks but rather very highly valued, strong market leading ebooks that will earn you money and build your reputation in your market.


Writers and non-writers alike, pay attention to this…the advice that follows comes directly from having developed and coached info product entrepreneurs delivering hundreds of ebooks, reports, videos, phsyical material and other infoproducts to the market over the last 8-years…

First, many people believe that the toughest part of writing an ebook is either:

  • the actual writing of the ebook
  • finding the content to put in your ebook

The reality is, neither of these matter as much as how you plan and organize your ebook…do this correctly and writing your ebook will be a breeze!

Finding, getting or paying for content is the easy part – the MOST important thing to both writing an ebook that people will want and find valuable AND making it easy as well as quick is to…

1. Know the ultimate question or purpose you are addressing with your ebook…this should be organized around avoiding a strong pain or achieving a very highly demanded pleasure.   For example, How can I lose 10lbs without giving up the food I love?  That would be the ultimate question – the question you have got to organize all of the other questions and content around.   Having your info product organized around a highly demanded, clear and urgent desired question sets it apart from all of the others that simply seek to “inform”.   Having a clear target to shoot for suddenly brings laser focus to your ebook writing project virtually eliminating wasted time, making you vastly more productive. 

2. And Then…come up with an outline of questions for each chapter…Ex. If your ultimate objective is to teach losing weight without giving up what someone loves…then your ebook chapters may look something like this

  1. Why we gain weight – the factors involved
  2. How to manage stress in your life so you aren’t always eating 
  3. How much exercise do you REALLY need?
  4.  The non-dieter’s Diet Plan 
  5. How to keep focus and motivation for long-term weight loss…etc

Now, armed with the exact areas of focus for your ebook, you can begin researching – but what are you looking for?


What you want to uncover are the top 8-10 questions that your market asks most often about the chapters you have included in your ebook. 

So, you head to discussion forums, ezine article directories, magazines (offline), blogs, Amazon to find books related to your topic and look at their table of contents as well as user reviews and comments, and so on…

What you are looking for are common (repeated) frustrations, questions and tips that focus on certain questions that you then organize under the appropriate chapter outline for your ebook. 

Do this correctly and within hours, you will have 6-8 chapters filled with common questions your market struggle with to achieve the outcome required in that chapter.

Now you can fill in the blanks…that’s right, with the proper outlining techniques writing your ebook becomes as simple as filling in the blanks.   In fact, I have developed content for ebooks by simply finding experts to interview around each chapter – ask the 8-10 questions you have and within 1-hour, you have a complete chapter written. 

The secret – of course – is to properly plan and organize your outline so that finding content for your ebook and getting it written are dead-simple and fast. 

That’s not all…within InfoMarketer’sZone there is a full 45-day, detailed and highly effective Blueprint to follow that gives you similar “cheats” on how to

  • Find killer infoproduct markets with built-in demand
  • Organize your content to brand yourself as both unique and an expert
  • Simple tips for increasing the value of your infoproducts from $27 ebooks to $997 information packages with very little extra work
  • Complete set of tips and tools for starting your own online info publishing business – setting up your website, writing your sales letter, taking payment, and advanced techniques of upselling, list-building and cross-selling
  • Turning your ebook launch into an event that will absolutely KILL in your market

This really is the key to getting hot info products out in as little as a few weeks. 
