Read the daily news, watch CNN, study the markets and you’ll be hard pressed to be left with a single ounce of enthusiasm about today’s economy.

All the more reason to get excited and take massive action when we do see massive growth opportunities.

Please consider these 3 facts:

1. The market for ebooks is accelerating at a SCARY fast pace.  A report just released by the AAP (the official spokes-body for the ancient traditional publishing body) announced that ebooks now make up nearly one-quarter of all book sales…up from 17% just a year ago.  In “official” terms, that means the ebook publishing industry is now a $1.54 Billion industry.  Forget for the moment that there are TONS of ebooks and information products being sold outside of the traditional publishing base that AAP considers, this is still a staggering trend toward acceptance of digital reading material.

2. The market for “how-to”, non-fiction information products continues to grow into the multi-Billions along with the desire to consume this information in digital format…

3. Finally, the self-publishing market continues to grow astronomically, not a surprise given the tremendous opportunity of #2 and the adoption of digital ebooks and products outlined in #1

So what you have is the perfect storm (in terms of opportunity) for packaging knowledge and information into digital, self-published ebooks, reports, membership sites – all of which we loosely call information products (or infoproducts).

When you consider that producing your own information products not only makes you an instant player smack-dab in the middle of 3 Billion market opportunities that are quickly converging, but also brings with it the benefit of branding and leveraging your own wealth assets as shown in this video, anyone who does not jump IMMEDIATELY at creating their own information-based product will be left behind.

You can get rolling on your own, start scraping up the different tips, techniques and models that exist in small pieces all over the web and take your chances OR you can get everything from the people that currently run massive information publishing businesses inside of InfoMarketer’sZone – I know which one I would have chosen if I was just getting started 🙂