So you are not where you want to be in life.

Like most, you are most probably not in control of:

  • Your time
  • Your finances
  • Your energy
  • Your creativity
  • Your schedule

In fact, most people feel like they control very little about their life…including what makes them happiest.

So what do you do about it?

Or more to the point…how CAN you do anything about it when you don’t know what you MEANT to do, are tired all of the time, feel like you are mostly down and depressed and find it harder and harder to pay the bills (let alone get ahead!)

That is THE question isn’t it?

How do you move from a 44-hour+ work week that saps your energy, consumes most of your time and energy and leaves you far short of your financial goals…

To a business that makes you many times more in income, a schedule YOU are in control of, and where you call the shots on what and who you work with?

Here are 4 PRACTICAL, hands-on tips that worked for me and have worked for many others:

1. Plan Anyway

You may be tired, frustrated, losing hope – but go ahead and design your ideal life, schedule and work (product or service that you can offer to the market.)

Even if it seems like a long-shot – go ahead and do it anyway.

This gives you perspective, hope, and a very clear goal to shoot for.

2. Re-structure your work

Turn the time you spend (at your job(s), and your free time toward building skills, networks and experience more IN-LINE with your ultimate plan.

Just because you are in a job you hate or have bad habits with your free time now doesn’t mean you can’t immediately begin to channel your thinking and energy into making these situations work for you.

By learning and building on the side, you ARE working your plan.

3. Train yourself to be disciplined

The most successful people may do what they chose to do…but make no mistake – they ARE disciplined.

They structure time for priorities.

They have MUSTS that are 99.9% untouchable.

Their day is compartmentalized to get the important stuff done FIRST.

You can start this NOW.

Get up an hour earlier, get something done on your plan, before the day spins out of control.

Begin to prepare your day-to-day life AS IF you were already in control (because increasingly you WILL be.)

4. Path From Passion To Profit

Of most importance is that you uncover SOMETHING of value you can do in an area where you have a passion or interest.

That’s how you get your own unfair advantage. Where others see it as work, you will see it mostly as fun.

Try things, drill in on how others are making a living in an area you have a passion for.

I guarantee, once you

1) have a written plan that…

2) guides your day-to-day perspective and…

3) Begin taking back control over your day driven by…

4) Discovering your path forward aligning passion with profit.

There will be NO stopping you.

Let me know how this works for you…or what you are still struggling with.

As always – if you want a system to follow I highly recommend these two systems:

  1. SNAP System For Getting Unstuck In Your Life
  2. 30 Day Product Profit System – to help build a solid, independent financial stream