More than 3/4 of the population is dissatisfied with their job.

Chances are, you are reading this because you either hate your job or see it as a dead-end because you have other aspirations.

What if you really want to become an entrepreneur and start your own business?

But, you can’t afford to leave your job yet?

Bills need to be paid, family or friends depend on you and you have other obligations that you can’t just get up and leave immediately.

This lack of control, of financial independence which then leads to creative and emotional stifling is one of the TOP frustrations people have in their lives.

Here’s 10 things you can do NOW to improve your life TODAY and make the shift happen:

1. Set a goal

Just by moving from beyond a fearful, hopeless, bored and stuck phase, into a hopeful, forward-looking, constructive phase…

You will notice a massive difference in your emotional state.

Suddenly, you have hope. You are taking control.

Your current situation is no longer permanent…but only a temporary step on the way to something much bigger and better.

2. Mindset Flip: This is GOLDEN Time

Instead of having the outlook that your current job is “holding you back” or is PURE drudgery and holds absolutely no value other than to stand in your way, reverse your thinking.

Really, when you have a plan to move on, the reality is that “they are paying me while I figure out my future, learn and grow”

Suddenly YOU are in control and are calling the shots. For now, you will use this position to reach the next.

Having something that at least gets you to a better future is a gift…not an obstacle.

This is all TRUE, so long as you really follow this process and begin making progress quickly.

3. Educate and Dabble: You ARE An Entrepreneur!

Being an entrepreneur is both a mindset AND a lifestyle.

You can flip both of them instantly. In your mind, you can decide TODAY that you are starting the process of becoming an entrepreneur.

You will begin thinking and acting like one – which makes you one NOW.

Of course, the future will show how successful an entrepreneur you will become, but starting down the path should happen NOW.

To that end, use every extra minute you have to:

  • Educate yourself on business (marketing, selling, models, etc…)
  • Learn to do ONE THING well (design, network, invest, support, etc..)
  • Try that thing, learn and adjust…

4. YOU Can Direct Your Work

People stuck in dead-end jobs can, to different extents, have control over what skills they learn and what jobs they perform.

In EVERY case though, begin to look at your job as a training ground for your future.

There will be skills you have already learned that will apply to your new life of entrepreneurship.

Inventory what you have learned through your job AND see if you can redirect your effort onto projects or jobs that help you learn more that will be of value in your business

There’s always a way to make TODAY work for TOMORROW.

5. Live Within Your Means

Do everything you can to lower your costs.

Remember, your sacrifice NOW is so you can be doing what you love LATER

It’s NOT forever, just a factor allowing you quicker transition

6. Improve Yourself!

Chances are you are beaten down.

Your confidence, physical health, relationships and energy are likely well below your potential – NOW is the time to make changes…

Leverage the positive growth, excitement and motivation that comes with planning and starting down a new path in life.

Make changes in your diet, exercise, sleep and emotional state NOW so you can grow faster and further as you continue this process.

7. Build Your Network

Begin building your network of contacts and resources in your market.

Share your plans (not for approval – never expect that), but for feedback and improvement.

Just ONE solid contact before you leap to fulltime can mean the difference of MONTHS of effort

8. Your Plan…

Build up as much savings as you can.

Pay as many debts as you can.

Have a plan for 1-year transition if you can- this could be low/no costs OR it could be working part-time OR it could be gig-work, etc…

If you absolutely cannot continue in your job or your job is ending, consider part-time work or gig-work as a bridge to eventually running your own company full-time.

9.Patiently Impatient

Alex Hermozi calls this “Patient in the macro. Impatient in the micro”

You want to be at a place where you can let short-term impatience drive your urgency…

While not being SO desperate that you can’t be patient as your business grows.

Plan to balance both short-term urgency and longer-term patience as this IS one of the fundamental realities of every great business and entrepreneur I have met or worked with in past decades.

10 Make The Leap

Ideally you can be leaping via a side-hustle as you wait to get at least ONE cylinder firing

If not, make the leap immediately and put everything you have got into the business.

The important factor here will be taking ACTION!

It does no good to plan, dream, prepare, passively learn, or even take actions that don’t 100% bring you closer to your market in this phase.

You will speed up your learning and results simultaneously with massive ACTION on the right things.

The Transition Starts TODAY!

As you have observed with the 10-steps, despite the situation you find yourself in today, you can START your transition NOW.

Belief and mindset shifts quickly lead to behavioral changes and the self-sabotage STOPS NOW.

As you take back control, prepare, learn and begin – your life will already be changing in a BIG way…even before you leave that job you hate.

If you need help along the way, try our Fast-Track training that helps entrepreneurs like you quickly develop and launch their signature products to market – you can find out more over at: 30 Day Product Profit Program

Enjoy the ride!