This may seem counter-intuitive – but the most successful entrepreneurs I know work MUCH harder on building their Self-Confidence than on Dreaming

Let me ask you this…how many people do you know have BIG dreams but have never come close to putting into action a plan to turn these dreams into reality?

Maybe that’s you? We’ve all been guilty in the past of falling into the trap of gaining short-term satisfaction and happiness from the very process of Dreaming. Isn’t that what reality shows, celebrity worship and HGTV travel shows are all about?

Dreams Can Actually Be Distractions…Here’s What DOES Work

I know people that live in a CONSTANT state of dreaming, the adrenaline they get from dreaming is addictive, unfortunately reality doesn’t live up to anywhere close to what their dreams are and when those two things collide – frustration, regret and sadness ensue

In reality, the most successful people I have worked with rarely DREAM. Instead, they PLAN and have worked themselves into a place where Doing, Reacting, and Adapting are what motivates them.

For example, when they hit obstacles (2020 presented many!), instant and significant reactions almost instinctively occur. In fact, the more challenges that appear, the more active and confident they become. It’s not dreams that motivate them on a daily and weekly basis – it’s more the daily process of facing challenges and overcoming them.

“The difference between dreamers and tacticians is what defines the level of achievement.”

I’ve always been this way and many people around me don’t understand.

When times are good, I purposely create upheaval to stay challenged. When times are bad or challenges are presented, I instantly spring into action while many others take time to analyze or fear making the next move.

Not sure if I was born that way or if it comes from high competitive nature…not sure. Sort of like a first responder’s instinct to move toward danger (thank God there are people who do that). The equivalent in business are those that thrive under pressure and challenge vs those that revert to thinking, planning and dreaming anytime they face a challenge.

Excitement And Progress From The Process…That’s The Key!

My firm belief (based on years of experience) is that nothing great in your life (business or otherwise) will be achieved until you learn to love the motivation and progress that comes from facing each day/week’s challenges. That takes replacing the fear and uncertainty that hold you back with the confidence that you will find a way to overcome even if you don’t know exactly how yet.

This was such an important part of my own success mirrored 10x by all of my mentors, peers and students through the years that we packaged these principles and techniques into a practical guide called “SNAP Out Of Your Life Rut”, definitely a great guide for any of you looking to take your life and business to the next level.

For most, unlocking your ability to be motivated (not deterred) by day-to-day life doesn’t only lead to much higher levels of business and financial success, it leads to a more confident, happy and fulfilling life.