Since our purpose here is to help you get MORE out of the coming months than the past months, I figured it was a good time to remind ourselves how important goal setting is to reaching our dreams, desires and objectives over the coming months

It seems old-hat to talk about goal setting…in fact there’s SO much about hustle, taking action and working your plan that it’s almost taken for granted that you know clearly and concisely where you are headed

Goal Setting For Entrepreneurs Still Matters…Greatly!

Then why are so many people operating without goals? Why is it that there is so much random, sporadic activity without the focus or direction toward specific goals?

Setting goals is STILL the focus of Week 1 in our 30-Day Product Profit program for online digital entrepreneurs

That’s because setting goals is still the way 99% of achievement is accomplished.

It could be that we’ve forgotten the importance of setting goals. It could be we had set goals many years ago but have forgotten to update them. It could be that we are blindly following someone else’s vision for THEIR lives hoping we can be like them. Or it could be setting goals doesn’t get the adrenaline running OR that you must make CHOICES that sometimes are hard to make when you set goals.

There’s one other reason too…some of the highest achievers have become great at setting goals in their mind. They become so familiar and obsessed with their goals that they don’t even think about it, talk about it or teach it again because they take it for granted…unfortunately “out of sight, out of mind” is NOT good for their followers.

Here’s How To Empower Yourself Through Goal Setting This Year

Whatever the reason, without specific and well thought out goals there is little to no chance you will get where you want to be.
So, here are 4 quick tips to make setting your goals easier, and more effective you can use today to set or re-set your goals heading into 2021:

Write Them Down: The process of writing goals down not only embeds them more deeply into your brain, it gives you something to review, edit and drill into your mind each day over the coming weeks and months. Research has shown that goals written increase the chances of them being realized by more than 75% – those are odds I can’t ignore

Set BIG Goals: Goals that are mediocre, simple to achieve, short-term are not the type of goals that will motivate you or drive you to over-achieve. It’s fine to mix one of these near-term, more achievable goals into the mix, but you really want to set your sights BIG to help pull higher levels of achievement from you and keep you motivated through the challenges as you go

Keep Your List Short: Once mistake I see people make is that they have a list of 20 goals – I call that a wish list, not a GOALS list. It’s fine to have a Wish List…but when you turn a Wish into a Goal – the difference is your level of commitment to making IT happen and your focus. You can’t do that juggling 20 things. Ideally your goals list is 3-5 at the most

Make Your Goals Specific: General goals like “I will be rich” or “I will feel better” are neither motivational nor are they achievable. It’s better to set the goal for x-number of customers/contacts/products resulting in Y-dollars by Z-date This is not only something specific you can plan against, it is highly motivational in terms of what that will mean to your life

Goals alone are not the path to greater results – for that you need a big WHY in your life and you need specific plans and ACTION against those plans.

However, none of that is likely if you don’t start with a solid set of goals – use these principles to get it right and set the tone for the coming months