When you write an article to pull traffic back to your website, sales page or marketing campaign are you getting 45% response rates? 

YOU should be…

Writing articles, blog postings and content for your website are CRITICAL to Week’s 2-3 of our newly released Information Product Profits Formula available to InfoMarketer’sZone members.  As part of an overall system of creating a reputation, online brand, product development plan, product launch and eventually strategic marketing plan – you will need to become good at writing compelling articles and content to make BIG money online. 

I recently wrote an article for one of my niche markets that contained a resource box (the little bio or sales pitch that follows an article in magazines, online article directories or when someone else publishes your article) that drew more than 100 eager readers back to my website within 24-hours resulting in a 5%+ conversion of visitors to sales AND an amazing 45% opt-in rate.

Why then do most articles get lost in massive web content world never generating more than a few visitors and zero sales?

What is different about this article that results in such a massive response?


First, the topic was compelling – in this case the topic was on a method for burning fat that collects in a very specific place on middle-age men.  There is massive demand surrounding the topic.  I’ve used this same technique for many different sub-topics in other niche markets as well.  They key is to find an emotional, highly sought after question that people really want answered.


The titles was 4 words – it promised a unqiue method for burning this stupborn type of fat.  Keeping your title short, emotional and triggered as closely as possible on the achievement aspect of the desire will get you more results.


Structure your article so that it accomplishes the following goals:

  •  Shares with the reader the feeling once their problem is solved
  •  Indicates why the challenge they face is so great, place them back in the problem environment
  •  Tell them why YOU have the answer and why your approach is different/unique
  •  Give them a sense for WHAT your system with a sample step or two
  •  Include a hook that implies there is much more you can do to help solve the reader’s challenge

By ending on a note of "here’s one valuable tip, but there’s many more that can dramatically improve the chance of reaching their goals" helps to prepare your reader for the resource box.


The biggest mistake article marketers are making is a bland, dull, over-hyped or completely oblivious resource box. 

Think about it, you spend 30-minute to 1-hour writing a top-notch article and then stick a resource box in that took you 5-minutes to dream up.  Remember, the entire goal of writing articles is to draw traffic back to your site.  Your resource box will play the MAJOR role in getting people back to your site. 

Here are 4 killer article resource writing tips that will help improve your article marketing response rate:

1. Send Them Through the Funnel — You will get a much better response by guiding your reader to additional, high-value information than to a sales page.  Often, your best option is to direct your reader to a NameSqueeze page which "pre-sells" a giveaway report, audio recording or other valuable item in exchange for their contact information.  Once you have their opt-in information you can continue to build a relationship, provide more value and offer different products and services to them over time. 

2. Stay highly consistent with your article purpose and wording.  If you are writing your article about weight loss through meditation, then make your giveaway related to weight loss using relaxation and meditation.  If you, all of a sudden jump to another technique (ex. Excercise report) then you have alienated your readers who are intrigued about mediation methods of losing weight and risk losing substantial response

3. Keep it short. You want your resource box to be 2-3 sentences in general terms.  You want a short, benefit statement and call to action for the bonus, report or giveaway you have reserved for your readers. 

4. Stay away from over-hyped words.
  A great way to avoid hype in any sales material is to focus on results and details instead of flowery adjectives.  So, instead of saying "Get the Best, Most Awesome report on weight loss…" try using "Get 3 Techniques For Losing Weight In 7-Days Without Changing Your Diet".  Replacing hype with facts will be far more powerful in terms of response. 

Here is an example of a attention-getting, benefit-oriented signature that offers valuable free information along with a strong call to action. 

"Want to get rid of belly fat for good? Get this FREE system that shows
you 1 exercise that will remove stubborn belly fat for GOOD!  Get your
copy now…[URL]"

Put these principles into work when you write your next article for an offline publication, online article directory, your blog or your websites and watch your response soar.