Are you getting ready to sit down at your keyboard and finally produce your first (or next) information product to sell online?  Maybe it’s a digital book you have in mind, before you can get rolling you need to decide on an ebook topic that will sell right? 

Do you start with a topic you want to write about? 

What about researching keywords people are searching for online as a guide to your ebook topic?

Maybe it’s better to target a **new** problem, one that hasn’t already been "done to death" – where you can really differentiate yourself from the competition?

Or — does your ebook topic need to be in line with a few hot selling niche markets to make sure tap into pockets of demand?

These are all natural questions that information product entrepreneurs ask on their way to earning a living selling their products online.  By the way, if you are NOT asking these questions, then perhaps you should – the faster you can come to terms with the methods for turning information into money, the faster you will be able to get out of that crummy job, become a real, high paid player in your target market.

When we put together the "Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package" (Now on it’s 5th edition) – a good portion of that system outlines how to recognize the critical factors of why people buy information, how they decide on what price they will pay, and what topics can make you a fortune versus those that bring you in a hobby income.  It’s must have reading for those who are about ot embark on the incredible journey of creating their own products to sell online or those that want to get serious about growing their business over the next 3-6 months. 

One of the key concepts we introduce as part of this end-to-end system is that your ebook topic or infoproduct niche market should focus on existing, proven challenges that many of us experience in our lives. 

Each week I get another subscriber or coaching client telling me that they want to avoid markets simply because there is already too much competition…

Everyday new top selling books, ebooks, reports, audio and video packages and membership sites become top sellers focusing on the same challenges that existed years ago.

Case in point…a new ebook launched today titled "Powerful, Graceful Success" by Steve Chandler – poised to sell extremely well.  What problems does he tackle:

1. Reduce and manage stress

2. Eliminate worry

3. Achieve success without the pain of stress, worry and being unhappy

Do these sound like New problems to you? 

Of course not! 

There have been books written for 100’s of years on these same topics and there will continue to be information products that earn gigantic fortunes for many years to come. 

Certainly, you need to differentiate yourself – but you do that by developing a concise, simple and effective set of steps to achieve the stress-free, worry-free, success-based life that has been the target for so many others with top selling products. 

Don’t let finding your next ebook topic or information niche market the blocking factor to your inevitable success.

It’s not rocket science folks, you can become the next highly paid information product producer, information marketer and expert in your chosen target market – head over to "Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success System" to find out how.
