3 things you can create your digital product around THIS week!

Yes, you read it right…

While most people put off their dreams and goals of having their own signature, high-profit book, E-book, online course or other digital products, we’re talking about topics that you can most likely start on THIS week!

Here’s what I mean:

1. Your experiences (health, weight loss, parenting, getting a job, travel, relationships, personal growth…).

What have you been challenged with and how did you overcome that challenge?

Have you discovered a way to move up in your job at work?

Have you raised a child with ADHD?

What about going through a breakup or divorce?

Have you travelled – even locally to some interesting places?

These are ALL valid topics – why?

Simply because there are huge audiences of other people just starting to deal with what you have already learned.

Your path can often be the channel through which others fulfill their desired outcomes faster avoiding the pitfalls along the way

You can start with a basic 10-15 page report, record a 30-40 min online course or put together an 80-page E-book to get your first product selling…your customers will tell you where you go next based on their demand.

2. Something you are learning (share as you learn)

I became a big fan of Bill Myers back many years ago. He was an early champion of video creation and membership sites.

His content was updated monthly with new learnings – what worked and what didn’t.

The $27/month for his site was a no-brainer…all you need is a commitment to ongoing learning and the ability to document as you learn.

Gary Vaynerchuck talks about this often…don’t create, document!

The same thing holds for product creation…any niche market where you are actively learning and experiencing provides terrific potential to document and sell your experience, advice and findings.

3 Someone else’s story

Telling someone else’s story is also a option.

You can do one-off arrangements such as interviews (paid or unpaid) or strike up a more formal partnership – either way can work

Using this strategy for your main product, I would proceed with caution as having someone else involved does create extra complexity (before and after product creation.)

I prefer using other people’s content for add-on elements (a chapter or lesson in an online course) or as additional add-on products (bonuses, extensions, upsells, etc…).

All it really takes is your motivation, some knowledge to start (This Fast Track Program gives you everything you will need to know) and your ability to focus/execute over the next couple of weeks.

This is not theoretical, we’ve helped hundreds of people who were stuck figuring out what product to create GET to the point of launching their first digital product in just days.

Are you ready for a FUN and rewarding challenge?