Everyone should own an online course that earns $150+ per day.

Just one sale a day brings you $4500/month…and that’s just to start.

The problem?

Most people don’t know how to build one.

Here are 6 steps that might help you get started.

1. Choose a topic you can help some reach their desired outcome:

Courses are about providing your customer with 2 main things:

1. Hope and inspiration 
2. A simple, clear path to their desired outcome (the transformation) 

If you have a hard time thinking about what your topic could be…

– Think about interests/passions you have (health, diet, travel, business, photography, etc..) 
– What do you know enough about today you could talk for at least 30-min about?  
– What do people around you ask for your advice about?  

2. Define your course outcome and benefits

Before you jump in, take some time to clearly define what your course or digital product will
do for your customer.

Also, what are the benefits of your course specifically.  

The first set of modules inside the 30-Day Product Profit System helps you with all of this so your first (or next) product is a major HIT

Here are some helpful questions to master this step:

– What specific problem will you be solving?

– What are the outcomes your prospect can expect (assume they follow your steps to a “T”) 

– Outline the steps that will help them reach that outcome as fast and simple as you can.

– Assume you have 60-90-minutes to cover YOUR system.

3. Begin promoting NOW.

I have started weeks and even months in advance of releasing a product to build an audience, 
create interest and engagement.  

Assume you will use channels such as:  

– Social media
– Your email list
– Communities

Come up with a daily content and/or ad plan.

You need to develop and re-purpose content across platforms each day for consistent attention and engagement.  

Angles for your content should include:

– Your origin story
– Empathy content (so they understand you GET them) 
– Any hero stories (yours or others who have overcome) 
– Entertainment in line with your target market
– Invitations to engage (questions, downloads, comments, etc…) 

You won’t build a massive following in 14-30 days, but you can easily create a following of 100’s or even 1000’s if you are good.

Also – begin to identify and reach out to potential partners who can help you launch to their established following for a percentage of their sales.  

4. Build your product.

For written products, Open Office or MS Word will work converted to PDF

For online courses, decide if you will use…

– Presentations (Powerpoint for example) 
– Screen Capture (Tutorials – use something like Camtasia) 
– “Talking Head” – You on camera.  

If you have used the outlining secrets we provide inside the 30 Day Product Profit System – you will find creating written or video content VERY easy.

Once you have your product, you can use a platform like Clickbank or Ejunkie to accept orders and distribute your PDF’s.

If you have a video course, we recommend you use New Zenler as your all-in-one course hosting, marketing, email marketing and funnel management platform.  

5 Load Your Course And Build Your Pages.

Use New Zenler for your course sales and landing pages – even create lead-generation funnels based on templates as your business grows and you want to test different marketing funnels.

a) You want a title and subtitle that clearly catches attention, defines the market and makes a BIG promise on the customer outcome
b) include a visual – either a meaningful image or video 
c) Social Proof – any testimonials, reviews or case studies you can provide around your system WILL help your sales
d) State your offer clearly, on the first-page – making it compelling 

6. Execute your promotion plan.

Kick off your promotion to all of your existing channels.  

Consider running a series of webinars where you bring people in from your campaigns to get to know you and how you can help them.  

Do the basics:

– Add your link to all of your social platforms
– Include an offer each day across your social media channels in addition to your other content
– Offer webinars or other videos that begin to engage your audience
– Line up your initial partners, provide them with some basic tools (social posts, emails, product images) to make it easier for them to promote


Watch the sales come in…continue to promote and grow