There are wild amounts of confusion in the internet marketing and online business communities about what REALLY constitutes value in the eyes of your audience. This is costing aspiring entrepreneurs their time, emotional energy AND YES…money!

Digital Product And Online Course Entrepreneurs, Here’s What Happens…

How this plays out in our market of being digital entrepreneurs creating and marketing online courses and digital products is THE KEY to launching a successful course or product or being one of the 95% gives up in frustration staring at the same empty bank account they were looking at yesterday.

With respect to courses, people typically invest in courses charged by emotionally-driven life transitions…

  • they want a promotion,
  • they want to look better or feel better,
  • they want to impress their friends or,
  • help manage a pain or problem in their lives

So How DO You Connect & Get Your Audience To Respond?

Value, in that context, is knowing where they are, where they want to be AND doing it with as little effort and as much certainty as possible.

To the extent that you mismatch any one of these with your course construction/course marketing – you will underperform. With our clients, we call it a message to market mismatch. Having helped hundreds of speakers, trainers, coaches, etc… 9-times out of 10 there is a mismatch causing their course and marketing to outright fail

Here’s A Clear Example That Will Help…

A quick example…we recently worked with a personal trainer who wanted to package years of experience into their own digital course. As we planned the course outline, it became clear that she had completely forgotten what it was like to attract her clients in the beginning (where there head was at when they saw her ad or first started working with her in the local gym)

In other words, she was jumping in WAY AHEAD of where new clients heads were at…sharing lessons of what they NEED, but mismatched from the early steps and psychology required to bring immediate value to NEW prospects.

Only once we reset by going back and reviewing what worked in the early days when she build the hundreds upon hundreds of clients she now has locally did the true VALUE come out resulting in a much better course outline and massively improved online course marketing campaign.

When You Get THIS Right, Your Courses Sell Like Wildfire!

Of course, she had the benefit of working with us as part of the 30-Day Product Profit Secrets Program where many do not…that’s the critical difference, in many cases, between a struggling entrepreneur who can’t seem to get attention or engagement with their online digital course versus our students who connect and engage daily with their growing student base.