Each day we work with course creators, ebook writers, online coaches and consultants helping them to turn their knowledge, experience and passion for their topic into online business over at 30 Day Product Profit Formula.

Digital entrepreneurs typically enjoy – in fact sometimes passionately LOVE – their topic and market. That’s why they choose it in the first place.

The mistake they make is to assume their market loves it as much as they do…when the reality IS – Why Would They?

If your market loved your topic, subject, system or technology as much as you do – they would have DONE what you are doing.

Instead, what they want is someone ELSE to provide them with the knowledge and transformation that will get them the RESULT they want as quickly as possible without having to spend extra time on figuring it all out.

Your job as a digital entrepreneur is to love your market and topic well enough to know how to solve problems, and create outcomes for your audience to LESSEN the effort and knowledge they require – because their passions and dreams are elsewhere.

Just as a contractor builds you something that you didn’t really want to build (or at least enough to spend the time learning, practicing and figuring it all out), a digital entrepreneur is there to provide the outcome desired for a customer who does not want to know HOW or WHY or even WHAT you are doing – just the OUTCOME you will deliver to them.

Plain and simple, you are paid to bring about a desired outcome for your market…PERIOD!

When you look at your online course, coaching program, ebook or other digital product in that way you gain clarity on how to best create it, package it, deliver it and market it…and CLARITY is always a good thing.

If you want to learn more about how to turn your knowledge, experience and passion into your own top-selling online courses or digital products – then check out 30 Day Product Profit Formula Here.