Abraham Lincoln No Fear

Don't Let Fear Get In Your Way

Everyone wants to know “what is the secret of success” where the “success” may mean being wealthy, having a successful business, jetting around the world in your own private plane, gaining fame and fortune, being more happy, having a place in the country or just staying healthy…

Most of us yearn to go beyond where we are today…to improve some part of our financial, emotional or social lives and that means the search for that elusive missing piece is on.

Certainly in our own internet marketing training program where we help people jack up the profits in their own online internet businesses, we work hard with each entrepreneur to find the spark that will light a fire under their own internet business enterprise…and sometimes that means finding the missing piece.

But more than any one missing tactic, technique or strategy there is one overriding factor that will stop progress and success in its tracks.

I mean there is 0% chance of succeeding when you are ignoring this factor…you MUST learn to embrace setbacks, roadblocks and NOT fear failure.


It’s funny, 9 times out of 10 when I look at someone’s business and help them dramatically improve their results in a very short time inside of InfoMarketer’sZone, what is holding them back is something from within.

It is not ONLY a missing strategy, technique or method, but fundamentally is a limiting belief that is holding them back from achieving incredible results.

Often, it comes down to that massive inhibitor – FEAR!

I also know many millionaires who have mastered their career, market, business or life and have achieved a level of Greatness that most can barely dream about.

Astounded by the lack of any special character trait, knowledge or expertise – the one trait that comes out every time is how they EXPECT, ANTICIPATE AND INVITE setbacks  – they do NOT fear them.

Don’t get me wrong, they still fear for their health, their kids, their loved ones, but they DO NOT fear their own ability to handle tough situations, their ability to generate wealth, their ability to persuade, influence and make their way in the world.

Outside of health issues (which they have learned to put their fear into perspective), fear no longer limits their ability to think, take action, try new things, quickly figure out what works (based on knowing what doesn’t) and attracting immense momentum with their fearless approach to life and their internet businesses.

It goes without saying then that learning to manage fear and implement a system where mistakes are no longer avoided but embraced really is the single biggest pattern practiced by millionaires and yes…billionaires.

Here’s a great survey that backs this point posted on Forbes – give it a read and you’ll see the exact same findings I have noticed in our top students.

So, if you are challenged with getting your internet business started, can’t figure out why your products aren’t selling, can’t communicate well with your market, and are not getting the results you expect – then join us within InfoMarketer’sZone where we not only empower you with the techniques, strategies, tools and support to succeed with your own internet business – but we also teach you how to test, quickly make mistakes and learn how to achieve BIG success…believe me, it really does work.