I can’t tell you the number of times someone new has joined us over at InfoMarketer’sZone or contacted me for coaching with a passion for starting and growing their own online business and tell me the market they have chosen to pursue is Internet Marketing!


So you yourself are just getting started, learning the ropes and you want to teach other people who are in the same boat?

While it’s not a bad thing to build knowledge and experiences with the intent on sharing it with a market to help them in the future, internet marketing is one of those markets where you want to have some experience behind you first.


Other than the considerable group of newbies chasing their tail hoping to start a business selling their own internet marketing stuff (which we just advised against)…who are the real buyers of internet marketing training?

Real business people right?

It is the chiropractor who wants to generate more leads for his practice or wants to move some of his business online so he can begin selling his products and training online.

Or it could be the relationship counselor who wants to stop trading time for money and would rather reach a global audience through her own information products, webinars or membership site.

Then again, it has been real estate agents, sales people in Fortune 1000 companies, pet trainers, construction workers, golf pro’s, hobbyists…and so on…that make up the largest list of those people who want to use internet marketing to target their niche markets.

These are NOT people selling “how to market online” products but rather want to learn the basics of online marketing so they can apply it to their products and services.

So, why should you pick a market outside of the “internet marketing” (IM) or bizopp segments?

1. Solid Businesses

There are hundreds of thousands of niche markets that want information products and tangible products and services right now…the opportunity is huge – way bigger than the internet marketing segment itself.  From a pure opportunity perspective, you have so much to gain.

2. Less Competitive

Look, there are many markets that are competitive, but in every other market than selling into internet marketers themselves you will have LESS competition that really know what they are doing when it comes to online marketing.  So – if you have the option of using a list building or traffic generation technique to market the latest weight loss or personal development product you will have less competition than if you are trying to sell into the crowded IM segment where there is too much noise to fight through.

3. Your Passion

Winning with your online business takes time, effort, persistence, dedication and positive energy…to me that means having a passion around what you do.  For most people, their passion isn’t about internet marketing, it IS about helping people lose weight, become a better parent, sell more stuff, become a better real estate agent, train their pets, etc… Go with your passion and find opportunities within that marketplace to be really successful.

4. Your Credibility

Even IF your passion was to eventually crack into selling into the Internet Marketing niche, you really want to boost your credibility first by being successful developing techniques, strategies and tactics outside of the IM niche and THEN share that with others who would like to use those techniques in their markets.

5. Legacy and Business Value

Internet marketing is a very fast moving market, what you teach today may be irrelevant tomorrow.  Turnover of products, businesses, websites and people is rampant…building a business where you continue to develop your legacy and continue to grow equity so you can eventually “cash out” is much more challenging in this market than many others where you can virtually put your systems on autopilot and continue to grow your business.

In the end, the market you choose to start your own business comes down to a combination of 1) Your passion and interests 2) Your abilities and skills 3) Market opportunity and 4) You ultimate goal and lasting legacy…the first couple of week of the 6-week Information Profits Course walks you through market research and choosing a niche market…the framework is based on what you have read here, this approach has worked well for our businesses over the last 15-years and will work for yours too.