For most people, creating their own digital products is a dream that seems too far out of reach.

It seems hard! But is it really?

Most of us have wanted to write a book, package an E-book, put together an online course or even have our own coaching or consulting business we can operate from anywhere…but it seems like that is a month’s-long commitment we just can’t fit into our current lifestyle.

Is that true?

Creating Digital Products Is ONLY Hard If You Aren’t Doing It Right

Creating top-selling digital products is not tough IF you know how to properly plan, structure, outline and create content in the right ways.

When I first approached product creation (first I wanted to write a book) many years back, I had at LEAST 10 false-starts over the course of a year.

I had no idea what I was doing and just figured I had to live through the “tortured artist” phenomenon.

I then ran into some people who wrote reports, E-books, and books in just days…so I studied how they did it.

What I found out what a MASSIVE difference in the way they went about product creation than I had been ever exposed to before.

Not only were their products finished in just days, they were BETTER products!

  • They were current (up to the week they were released!)
  • They were instruction vs informational
  • They were usable – I could apply them to my life INSTANTLY
  • They were short, clear and concise AND they had great stories and examples that helped illustrate their points

They were ACTIONABLE! Not only did I appreciate this as a consumer, I could appreciate how much easier it would be to market a digital product that produced outcomes that were backed by PROOF!

So What Were These Powerful Methods?

There were several, we discuss many others throughout the Fast-Track Digital Millionaire training over at 30 Day Product Profit Program, but here are 3 of the MOST powerful to get you started:

1) Begin With The Outcome In Mind

When you set out with a clear objective in mind for your digital product, you no longer waste time wondering what to say or how to say it.

When you have a clear picture of the purpose of your product (to help middle-aged men lose 20lbs, to help shy people meet 5 new high-quality friends, to help an unemployed/underemployed mother start her own business and reach $30K in income…) there is PURE clarity around the structure and remainder of the product.

You may not have ALL of the answers when you start, but you sure can outline what is needed and go out and find the answers in a fraction of the time you would have wasted wondering what to put in your product in the past

2) The Main Milestones Toward Your Outcome

This step is really simple…based on your knowledge and experience, some basic research, some market investigation on other top-selling products, etc…

You come up with the 3-5 (ideally) main steps toward reaching the desired outcome in #1.

For example, on route to helping middle-aged men lose 20lbs you may need to 1) change their diet 2) build a practical exercise routine 3) Help them manage stress 4) Plan some resistance/weight training to boost their muscle mass and improve their metabolism and 5) Come up with ways to keep them from cheating (just off the top of my head)

These are the MAJOR steps that not only will allow your customers to reach their desired outcome, but should be BRANDED as YOUR solution system…(lots more of that inside 30 Day Product Profit Program – it’s really important)

These 3-5 main steps become your main chapters in your book or e-book, modules in your course or coaching program.

Are you seeing how easy this is yet?

3) Questions – Your Secret Weapon!

All that remains is a quick outline for each of your main chapters or modules which will become the main content of your written product and the lessons in your online course, coaching or other training program.

The real secret here is to outline 5-8 questions that would be MOST required to achieve the desired milestone identified in step 2 above. Using our example of helping middle-aged men lose 20-lbs, these would be questions around diet, exercise, stress reduction, etc… as we discussed in #2

For example, “Why do certain foods result in more fat than others?”, “Which foods are the worst and which foods are the best?” “What is the most important aspect of my diet plan to lose weight?” “What would a typical day’s diet look like in the first month?”

Anyone can do this!

Now, as I said, you may not have ALL of the information – but for those questions you don’t, you know exactly what to research and can often figure it out in a matter of minutes.

Using this formula, along with the many other tips we have inside 30 Day Product Profit Program – you have the realistic ability to launch and profit from your own digital product just days from now…

Independent sources of income, a great side-hustle, a foundation for your own online digital product Enterprise is ALL within your reach…and much sooner than you likely thought.