frustrated internet marketing

Internet Marketing Frustration

What is the reason that most people get all excited about marketing online but then end up crashing down to earth not earning any real serious money internet marketing?

You may think it is the product they are selling or perhaps the website is not up to par, but those are secondary to one major error that internet entrepreneurs make before they even launch their internet marketing business.


To be successful with internet marketing you need both a viable way to make money AND you need the ability to effectively pull people into your money making funnel…of course this is put in the simplest of terms, but really is the equation for every successful internet business – blog, minisite, e-commerce or website that makes big mony online.

So, let me ask you this?

Is internet marketing a business? 

Yes, internet marketing lends itself to certain business models, but really internet marketing is  the label for all sales and marketing that is done online…which means that you need more, you need a viable business model and internet marketing plan to really make big money.

Indeed, we cover all aspects of building a viable business model as well as internet marketing inside InfoMarketer’sZone – in order for entrepreneurs to build viable , long-term, high-growth businesses that can scale on the internet.   Within the first 30-minutes of training on that site, our most successful members have finally “GOTTEN IT!”  Suddenly, months and sometimes years of frustration are torn away as they realize, for the first time, what it really takes to make money with internet marketing.

Business models define the way you intend to make money.  This typically involves exchanging value for profit. 

Marketing methods are the processes, systems and devices you use to identify, target and convert your market into buyers – in short, your marketing methods bring prospects into your business model – the better you are at this, the more money you will make.

Business models that work on the internet are:

1. Selling your own products or services
2. Sell other people’s products or services (affiliate marketing)
3. License products or services
4. Advertising revenue (get paid for eyeballs) – this could be pay-per-click (Adsense), CPA or space advertising

Sure, many of us make money using all 4 of these business models, but…one typically dominates and more important, you can only start with one.

Marketing systems tailored to internet marketing, on the other hand, are all focused at identifying, targeting and bringing traffic to your websites AND converting that traffic into profit. 

How does this appear on most websites? 

You typically have…

1. A page optimized around selling something
2. A page that is optmized around building a list (for the 98% or so of people that do not buy from your webpage on the first visit)
3. Content pages that act as spider webs pulling in traffic from the search engines (articles, blogs, newsletters, social bookmarking, videos, press releases, etc…) which should all lead back to either your selling page or your list building page

The autoresponder fits into the process in #2 – where you continue to “drip” on your list owners until they buy your own or a referred product.

Just as offline businesses have sales processes, strategies and tactics – marketing systems online have their own set of techniques.

The fact remains that you cannot make money internet marketing unless you combine a solid business model (backed by a proven monetization method) with online marketing systems and techniques – get those two things right and you will see your chances of success with internet marketing be near assured