99% of people FAIL to realize their goals because of this ONE thing…

They are Consumers instead of Creators.

The 1% (or less actually) who spend more time creating content win…here’s exactly WHY and how you can change:

Consumption Eats Valuable Time

People don’t realize, but the average time spent consuming social media and/or OTT video content is 4-5 hours per day!

That time DIRECTLY steals from your goals.

Everyone always wants to know where to find more time…

THERE it is!

Consumption Steals Dollars

When you consume, you trade your time, they make money!

Platforms monetize your time.

The more time you spend, the more things you look at, the more money they can make on ads

Of course, you make nothing per hour during this time

Consumption Becomes A Habit

Most consume to escape.

They’re unhappy…so they escape.

They’re unhealthy, feel like crap, so they escape.

They’re in debt…so they escape.

Trouble is, escape doesn’t solve ANY problem, it only makes it worse.

Creation Gains You Time

Sure, creating content takes time, but…

Once you have an audience you can monetize…

You get time back!

Suddenly your become financially independent.

You can STOP doing things you hate and you get 90% more time to spend on what YOU do best.

Creation Gives You Dollars

Creation leads to followers.

Followers develop into Leads.

Leads turn into Sales.

You gain profit – if you sell your stuff of someone else’s stuff.

Creation Can Also Become A Habit

You can have healthy habits (eating well, working out…) OR

Unhealthy habits (Eating chips, not sleeping, getting fat, etc…)

Best way to break BAD habits is to replace them with GOOD habits.

Replace consumption with creation

If you’re ready to start your journey toward

  • Content Creation
  • Product Creation
  • Business Creation

Head over and take the 30 Day Product Profit Formula – this is the Fast-Track creation formula for online entrepreneurs based on a decade of creating Dozens of Digital Products (That sell for high profit) and hundreds of thousands of pieces of content that get attention and sales.

The program is less than 3-hours, but will give you a LIFETIME formula you can use anytime to turn creation into dollars.